Citas bibligráficas
Velito, W., (2023). Presupuesto por resultados y la efectividad de la gestión en el Programa Nacional contra la Violencia Familiar y Sexual - PNCVFS, 2019 [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Velito, W., Presupuesto por resultados y la efectividad de la gestión en el Programa Nacional contra la Violencia Familiar y Sexual - PNCVFS, 2019 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2023.
title = "Presupuesto por resultados y la efectividad de la gestión en el Programa Nacional contra la Violencia Familiar y Sexual - PNCVFS, 2019",
author = "Velito Rivera, Wilfredo",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2023"
The objective of this research work is “Describe how the management of the Budget for Results is related to the management of the National Program against family and sexual violence, 2019". The Research Methodology is composed of Type: Non-Experimental, Level: Descriptive, Design: Non experimental. Likewise, the Population is all the workers of the PNCVFS, the Sample is Non-probabilistic, made up of 70 workers and the Unit of Analysis is each worker and the Collection Techniques: Non-particípant Observation, Updated Bibliographic Review and Questionnaire; and the Analysis Techniques will be carried out througb descriptive statistics with tables and graphs. The main conclusions are: The Budget assigned to the PNCVFS in the period 2017 -2019 increased by 101.78 percent. The activity that had the greatest effectiveness was the training of tables and/or networks against family violence with 179 percent in 2018. The limitations that arose in the budget execution are referred to the use of human resources win a profile that does not corresponds to the performance of the assigned funtions. During the period analyzed, the activíty that was most effective was the traíning of tables and/or networks against family violence with 179 percent in 2018. In the survey of PNCVFS workers, according to the respondents, they consider that poor programming 14.29 percent and a poor formulation 11.4 percent of the Budget for Results are the causes for not achieving efficiency in the Management of the PNCVFS.
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