Citas bibligráficas
Malpartida, B., (2023). Diseño y aplicación de metodología en dimensionamiento de anillos correctores, reduciendo el estrés eléctrico en aisladores poliméricos [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Malpartida, B., Diseño y aplicación de metodología en dimensionamiento de anillos correctores, reduciendo el estrés eléctrico en aisladores poliméricos [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2023.
title = "Diseño y aplicación de metodología en dimensionamiento de anillos correctores, reduciendo el estrés eléctrico en aisladores poliméricos",
author = "Malpartida Campos, Bryan Felix",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2023"
During the operation of HV transmission lines, the surface of the insulators is under high voltage gradients. These gradients promote the appearance of partial discharges on the surfaces of the insulators, especially on the HV side. These discharges cause premature aging of dielectric materials,so corona control products (rings) like corona rings and equalizing ring are needed. These accessories mitigate the appearance of high values of E-field along insulators. This thesis proposes a design and application of a methodology for dimensioning corrector rings to reduce electrical stress in composite insulators of HV transmission lines, under climatic conditions. The methodology allows to obtain the most suitable spatial-geometric arrange of corrective accessories to mitigate the high values of E-field on the insulators. The E-field along insulator is obtained by FEM. The proposed methodology was applied in a virtual model of a structure belonging to a 500 kV transmission line, considering as corrective accessories the corona ring and the equalizing ring. The E-field is calculated for different climatic conditions: dry, wet and polluted. Important results were obtained, like the distribution of the E-Field and potential on the surface of the insulators, as well as determination of better design parameters for E-field correction accessories. The proposed methodology is oriented to the design of accessories prior to their manufacture, but it also offers innovative tools to transmission line engineers, showing that it is possible to reduce the risk of failures due to breakage in composite insulators. This methodology can be expanded and applied to any high voltage equipment, in addition the most favorable parameters obtained will be useful for engineers interested in the design or acquisition of this kind of accessories at 500 kV.
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