Bibliographic citations
Lugo, Y., (2023). Selección de ubicación de un depósito de desmonte para reducir el costo de acarreo en una mina de cobre a tajo abierto [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Lugo, Y., Selección de ubicación de un depósito de desmonte para reducir el costo de acarreo en una mina de cobre a tajo abierto [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2023.
title = "Selección de ubicación de un depósito de desmonte para reducir el costo de acarreo en una mina de cobre a tajo abierto",
author = "Lugo Lopez, Yerson Fuber",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2023"
In this work, the selection of the location of waste rock dumps in an open pit copper mine with the objective of reducing hauling costs was proposed. Based on the data collected, we proceeded to develop the different alternatives for the location of waste rock dumps, considering the property boundaries defined by the permit’s competent authority. In the alternatives developed, two dumps were considered: one to the north of the pit, of 1,628 million tons, and another to the west, of 2,511 million tons. These alternatives were developed by defining the tonnages of waste material available and the possible locations for the dumps, in addition, they were designed based on the property boundaries, presenting three alternatives for the location of waste rock dumps. All alternatives met the mine plan waste material with a clearance of 5%, 62% and 67%, respectively. Subsequently, a mine plan was made using the mining software MPSO (Mine Plan Schedule Optimizer). Based on the previous mining plan, which develops the following: the total moved, plant throughput, unloading in the waste dumps based on the alternatives contemplated. Then, the hours of transportation and the fleet of mining trucks were calculated for each alternative. As a result, alternative 3 represented a saving of 6% in total hours compared to alternative 2 and a saving of 14% in total hours compared to alternative 1. With respect to trucks, there is a decrease of 4 and 17 trucks, respectively. Then, an economic evaluation was carried out, studying qualitatively geotechnical, operational and planning aspects, together with the quantification of operational and investment costs of mining haulage. Based on the economic evaluation, alternative 1 was discarded because it did not present much clearance capacity. The two alternatives with which work continues, alternative 3 presents savings in mine haulage OPEX of US$114 million and US$18 million in CAPEX. Analyzing the results, we recommend alternative 3, which respects the property boundaries and uses the authorized space.
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