Citas bibligráficas
Román, L., (2023). Estudio de las interacciones físico químicas del algodón y los óxidos de cobre en los textiles funcionalizados con propiedades antimicrobianas [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Román, L., Estudio de las interacciones físico químicas del algodón y los óxidos de cobre en los textiles funcionalizados con propiedades antimicrobianas [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2023.
title = "Estudio de las interacciones físico químicas del algodón y los óxidos de cobre en los textiles funcionalizados con propiedades antimicrobianas",
author = "Román Mendoza, Luz Esmeralda",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2023"
The appearance and spread of new microorganisms that cause diseases such as COVID-19 and existing diseases such as Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs), are public and private health problems worldwide. The use of cotton fabrics with antimicrobial properties functionalized with copper oxides (CuOx) like cuprous oxide (Cu2O) and/or cupric oxide (CuO), could be used to prevent and reduce the spread of pathogens such as bacteria, viruses and fungi. The objective of the present work was to carry out a study of the physical-chemical interaction between CuOx and cellulose of cotton fiber of an antimicrobial fabric. The CuOx were synthesized using three different copper salts (copper acetate monohydrate (Cu(CH3COO)2·H2O), copper nitrate trihydrate (Cu(NO3)2·3H2O), copper sulfate pentahydrate (CuSO4·5H2O)) and a reducing agent (sodium hydroxide (NaOH)). The in situ functionalization of fabric with CuOx was carried out via the exhaust dyeing method using the High-Temperature (HT) textile equipment of brand Rapid Eco Dyer model ECO-24. For functionalization, 2% s.m.t. (on the mass of the textile) of the precursor copper salt and 0.5 g/L of NaOH were used. For functionalization, 2% owf (on-weight-fabric) of the precursor copper salts and 0.5 g/L of NaOH were used. The obtained cotton fabrics were characterized by Inductively Coupled Plasma – Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS), X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (TOF-SIMS) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), in addition, their colorimetric characteristics, physical properties and colorfastness were evaluated, likewise, their antimicrobial properties were analyzed according to ASTM E2149:2013 standard before and after washing. The results showed that the CuOx changed the yellow hue of the non-functionalized fabric to reddish brown. The initial amount of copper in the cotton fabrics was 0.009%, which after functionalization from copper acetate, nitrate and sulfate increased to 40, 32 and 27%, respectively. There is a type of chemical interaction between hydroxyl groups of cotton cellulose and copper, likewise, the surface of the functionalized fabrics has a mixture of Cu2O and CuO. Furthermore, the functionalized fabrics with CuOx inhibited bacterial growth of Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa by more than 99% before and after 5, 15 and 25 washes.
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