Citas bibligráficas
Sacasqui, M., (2020). Control automático de generación adaptivo predictivo del sistema de potencia interconectado peruano en un mercado eléctrico desregulado [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Sacasqui, M., Control automático de generación adaptivo predictivo del sistema de potencia interconectado peruano en un mercado eléctrico desregulado [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2020.
title = "Control automático de generación adaptivo predictivo del sistema de potencia interconectado peruano en un mercado eléctrico desregulado",
author = "Sacasqui Huaito, Marcos Rogger",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2020"
Peru is a country of the Southern hemisphere of the planet that is located in the central and western part of South America. Internally it is divided into several geographical and political regions. Therefore, electrical interconnections at different voltage levels have been necessary to connect the center of the country with the north and south. The central area of the country is where the largest amount of electrical energy is produced and where the largest electrical load is consumed, represented by distribution companies such as ENEL distribution Peru and Luz del Sur. Unique situations occur in the Peruvian electrical system: the northern and southern areas are not self-sufficient in energy. They need to import the equivalent of one area and three complete areas for the north and south respectively taking into account that the base power is equal to the sum of the effective power of the units that make up an area. This reality, where the northern and southern areas import significant amounts of electricity from the center, urgently requires the study of load-frequency control, also called automatic generation control, the latter being a general definition and the subject of this doctoral thesis. The adaptive predictive AGC control system has been designed in this research. This design has been verified via intensive simulation studies. This study covers the following characteristics: • Modeling of the electrical system for automatic generation control purposes using MATLAB's SIMULINK, which includes modeling of three control areas: north, center and south, modeling of national system generation units, and modeling of electrical interconnections. • An adaptive predictive controller based on the Nonlinear Extended Predictive Self Adaptive Controller model has been designed for automatic generation control. Also considered have been the traditional Proportional Integral controllers as well as controllers based on meta-heuristic techniques such as genetic algorithms and particle swarm optimization. The adaptive predictive controller has been configured in both centralized and decentralized modes of operation. Traditional and meta-heuristic controllers in decentralized operation mode. • In addition, the traditional electricity market and deregulated electricity market approaches have been considered. Currently, the Peruvian electricity market is traditional with elements oriented to deregulation; that is, the presence of distributors and contracts with free users. • Non-conventional renewable energy sources wind and solar, were taken into consideration.
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