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De, D., (2022). Wave energy resource for open sea conditions of the Peru basin [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
De, D., Wave energy resource for open sea conditions of the Peru basin [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2022.
title = "Wave energy resource for open sea conditions of the Peru basin",
author = "De La Torre Cortez, Dennys Dunker",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2022"
Título: Wave energy resource for open sea conditions of the Peru basin
Autor(es): De La Torre Cortez, Dennys Dunker
Asesor(es): Ortega Malca, Arturo Jesús; Luyo Kuong, Jaime Eulogio
Palabras clave: Recursos energéticos; Energía de ola; Convertidor de energía de ola; Potencia de ola; Espectro Bretschneider; Espectro Jonswap; Periodo de energía; Cuenca marítima
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Institución: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería
Resumen: Las tecnologías para convertir la energía de las olas en electricidad aún no están maduras y es necesario conocer las características ambientales de las olas en el área donde se instalarán. Las investigaciones que se ocupan del estudio de la energía undimotriz disponible pretenden reducir la incertidumbre que aún existe en la estimación de la energía undimotriz y su variabilidad. Esta tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo estudiar el recurso energético de las olas para condiciones de mar abierto en la Cuenca marítima peruana. Los métodos utilizados son el espectral, estadístico y numérico. Se propone un conjunto de criterios para evaluar el rendimiento de la energía de las olas y seleccionar una forma espectral estándar con un período de ola promedio para condiciones de mar abierto. Este estudio se realiza mediante el procesamiento de datos ambientales temporales de oleaje registrados durante 18 años por dos boyas en el Océano Pacífico Sureste específicamente en la cuenca marítima PERU BASIN. Los resultados muestran que la energía de las olas es predominantemente alta en el segundo y tercer trimestre. El valor promedio de la potencia de ola es superior a 15 kW/m durante todo el año. La dirección de las olas es principalmente suroeste (225°) la mayor parte del año. La energía anual se concentra en un rango limitado de alturas de olas y períodos de energía. La discrepancia de potencia de las olas es de aproximadamente 46% cuando la forma espectral y el período no se seleccionan de acuerdo con las condiciones de mar abierto. La energía de las olas en los lugares en estudio pasó la evaluación en base a los criterios sugeridos para evaluar su desempeño. Se espera que utilice dispositivos Pelamis, Power buoy y Wave Dragon para la recolección de energía de las olas en la Cuenca del Perú.El espectro marino se considera de banda ancha durante todo el año, por lo que es necesario calcular la altura de las olas en función del parámetro de amplitud espectral. Se propone un nuevo coeficiente para estimar la altura significativa de ola en la cuenca marítima del Perú. La potencia del oleaje direccional se concentra en más de la mitad del total omnidireccional propagado desde el Suroeste en junio, julio y agosto con una dispersión de 30°. La fórmula analítica que mejor estima la potencia de las olas se basa en el espectro de Bretschneider y el período de cruce por cero ascendentes con una subestimación del 8%. Se encontró que el coeficiente de calibración para el período pico converge a 0.8 en estados de mar de alta energía, para el período de cruce por cero ascendentes corresponde a 1.25. Por lo tanto, de acuerdo con los resultados y la discusión, el clima de olas en la Cuenca marítima del Perú es estable en el tiempo, con comportamiento estacional, baja variabilidad y muy predecible. Todo esto hace que la instalación de convertidores de energía de las olas sea atractiva o se considere favorable para continuar las investigaciones cerca de la costa de la Cuenca del Perú.
Technologies to convert wave energy into electricity are not yet mature, and they need to know the environmental characteristics of the waves in the area where they will be installed. Research dealing with the study of available wave energy aims to reduce the uncertainty that still exists in estimating wave power and its variability. This doctoral thesis aims to study the wave energy resource for open sea conditions in the Eastern South Pacific specifically in Peru Basin. The methods used are the spectral, statistical and numerical methods. A set of criteria is proposed to evaluate wave power performance and select a standard spectral shape with an average wave period for open ocean conditions. This study is carried out by processing temporary environmental data of waves recorded for 18 years by two buoys in the Peru Basin. The results show wave energy is predominantly high in the second and third quarters. The average value of wave power is greater than 15 kW/m throughout the year. The direction of the waves is mainly Southwest (225°) most of the year. Annual energy is concentrated in a limited range of wave heights and energy periods. The wave power discrepancy is approximately 46% when spectral shape and period are not selected according to open sea conditions. Wave energy at the locations under study passed the evaluation based on the criteria suggested for evaluating their performance. It is expected to use Pelamis, Power buoy and Wave Dragon devices for wave energy harvesting in Peru Basin.The sea spectrum is considered broadband all year round, requiring the wave height to be quantified depending on the spectral amplitude parameter. A new coefficient for estimating the significant wave height in Peru Basin is proposed. The directional wave power is concentrated in more than half of the total omnidirectional propagated from the Southwest in June, July and August with a dispersion of 30°. The analytical formula that best estimates the wave power is based on the Bretschneider spectrum and the zero-crossing period with an underestimation of 8%. The calibration coefficient for the peak period was found to converge to 0.8 in the high-energy sea states, for the zero up-crossing period corresponds to 1.25. Therefore, according to the results and discussion, the wave climate in Peru Basin is stable over time with seasonal behaviour, with low variability, and very predictable. All of this makes the installation of wave energy converters attractive or considered favourable for continued investigations near the coast of Peru Basin.
Technologies to convert wave energy into electricity are not yet mature, and they need to know the environmental characteristics of the waves in the area where they will be installed. Research dealing with the study of available wave energy aims to reduce the uncertainty that still exists in estimating wave power and its variability. This doctoral thesis aims to study the wave energy resource for open sea conditions in the Eastern South Pacific specifically in Peru Basin. The methods used are the spectral, statistical and numerical methods. A set of criteria is proposed to evaluate wave power performance and select a standard spectral shape with an average wave period for open ocean conditions. This study is carried out by processing temporary environmental data of waves recorded for 18 years by two buoys in the Peru Basin. The results show wave energy is predominantly high in the second and third quarters. The average value of wave power is greater than 15 kW/m throughout the year. The direction of the waves is mainly Southwest (225°) most of the year. Annual energy is concentrated in a limited range of wave heights and energy periods. The wave power discrepancy is approximately 46% when spectral shape and period are not selected according to open sea conditions. Wave energy at the locations under study passed the evaluation based on the criteria suggested for evaluating their performance. It is expected to use Pelamis, Power buoy and Wave Dragon devices for wave energy harvesting in Peru Basin.The sea spectrum is considered broadband all year round, requiring the wave height to be quantified depending on the spectral amplitude parameter. A new coefficient for estimating the significant wave height in Peru Basin is proposed. The directional wave power is concentrated in more than half of the total omnidirectional propagated from the Southwest in June, July and August with a dispersion of 30°. The analytical formula that best estimates the wave power is based on the Bretschneider spectrum and the zero-crossing period with an underestimation of 8%. The calibration coefficient for the peak period was found to converge to 0.8 in the high-energy sea states, for the zero up-crossing period corresponds to 1.25. Therefore, according to the results and discussion, the wave climate in Peru Basin is stable over time with seasonal behaviour, with low variability, and very predictable. All of this makes the installation of wave energy converters attractive or considered favourable for continued investigations near the coast of Peru Basin.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Doctorado en Ciencias con Mención en Energética
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería. Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica. Unidad de Posgrado
Grado o título: Doctor en Ciencias con Mención en Energética
Jurado: Arancibia Samaniego, Ada Liz; Mantari Laureano, José Luis; Nahui Ortíz, Johnny Prudencio; Palma García, Modesto Tomás
Fecha de registro: 6-dic-2023
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