Bibliographic citations
Díaz, G., (2023). Implementación de antenas mimo masivo para incrementar la capacidad de un nodo de la red LTE FDD en el distrito de el Agustino [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Díaz, G., Implementación de antenas mimo masivo para incrementar la capacidad de un nodo de la red LTE FDD en el distrito de el Agustino [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2023.
title = "Implementación de antenas mimo masivo para incrementar la capacidad de un nodo de la red LTE FDD en el distrito de el Agustino",
author = "Díaz Chávez, Gustavo Michael",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2023"
Telecommunications operators in Peru are experiencing a high demand for capacity as a result of the transmission of large volumes of data, exceeding several thousand terabytes (TB) per year, high upload and/or average download speeds exceeding 10 Mbps per user, and demanding latency times of less than 100 ms, in many types of mobile broadband applications and services. These latter cause congestion scenarios in the operators' mobile network, which then negatively impacts users' perception. Against this background, for fourth-generation Long Term Evolution (4G LTE) mobile networks, the technology commonly known as Massive Multiple Input-Multiple Output (Massive MIMO or Massive MIMO in Spanish) represents an alternative solution. The general purpose of this work is to evaluate the increase in at least one hundred percent (100%) data transmission capacity provided by massive MIMO antennas, consequently, the question of this study is posed in the following terms: How does the capacity of an LTE FDD network node in El Agustino district increase with the implementation of Massive MIMO 32T32R antennas? To answer this question, a massive MIMO antenna has been implemented in a node with congestion problems, previously performing an installation design of the solution, additionally, the implementation has been described and after that the main indicators that have allowed determine the capacity gains provided by these antennas have been processed and analyzed. The results obtained validate the capacity gain of the Massive MIMO antennas, expressed mainly in a 137% increase in the volume of traffic supported and a 400% increase in the users' data rates. Based on the above, it is evident to consider massive MIMO antennas as an outstanding alternative to solve capacity problems (increasing it by at least 100%) of nodes with suppressed traffic and/or data rates lower than the national average, in addition to those nodes that are congested with the use of radio resources higher than 80% of what is available. This analysis can be complemented with static and drive test field measurements that allow the inclusion of user experience indicators.
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