Citas bibligráficas
Alcántara, M., (2022). Elaboración del estudio tarifario de servicios de agua potable y alcantarillado aplicado a una empresa prestadora [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Alcántara, M., Elaboración del estudio tarifario de servicios de agua potable y alcantarillado aplicado a una empresa prestadora [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2022.
title = "Elaboración del estudio tarifario de servicios de agua potable y alcantarillado aplicado a una empresa prestadora",
author = "Alcántara Diaz, Marithza Diana",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2022"
The tariffs for drinking water and sewerage services approved by the regulatory body SUNASS are mandatory for all EPS entities; These rates are based on a technical document called the Rate Study and are valid for no less than three (3) years and no more than five (5) years. The present work consists of the elaboration of a tariff study applied to a Sanitation Service Provider Company. It should be noted that for the development of this work the necessary information for the aforementioned preparation was obtained, in addition it is complemented with the knowledge and experience acquired regarding this subject, and with the current regulations of the sector. Likewise, the determination of a projection of five (5) years of the total population, population served by drinking water, population served by sewerage, the supply- demand balance of Capture, Drinking Water Treatment Plant, Storage and Plant of Wastewater Treatment, the prioritization of Investments and new activities is presented where the company must plan and execute investments. Finally, the results obtained from the Tariff Study will be shown, which mainly contains the investment program, the goals that the company must meet associated with the investments, the tariff formulas, the tariff that the user must pay, all within a regulatory period, and the lessons learned in the preparation of other Tariff Studies.
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