Citas bibligráficas
Chumbipuma, I., (2022). Evaluación del ruido de una central de generación de energía eléctrica de 1.6 MW de potencia desde el año 2018 hasta el 2020 [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Chumbipuma, I., Evaluación del ruido de una central de generación de energía eléctrica de 1.6 MW de potencia desde el año 2018 hasta el 2020 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2022.
title = "Evaluación del ruido de una central de generación de energía eléctrica de 1.6 MW de potencia desde el año 2018 hasta el 2020",
author = "Chumbipuma Bustinza, Iván Pedro",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2022"
Noise has been present in our lives since the beginning of the development of humanity, but as we have been developing both in the field of transport, as well as in the expansion of cities, the problem of environmental noise began to appear in the society. This environmental noise is generated as a result of various activities such as commercial, industrial, transportation, entertainment, among others, but in the case of environmental noise in cities, these are mainly caused by the traffic of vehicles, commerce, services, and construction. This is how environmental noise pollution has become one of the main problems faced by cities, which makes its study and supervision necessary. the dissemination of the publication entitled "Sound Pollution in Lima and Callao" which consists of the measurement of environmental noise in Metropolitan Lima and the Constitutional Province of Callao in the month of May 2015, among the most important conclusions of this study, It was obtained that transport vehicles are the main generators of environmental noise, due to misuse of loudspeakers and failure to maintain them. For this thesis, the particular case of the noise generated by the Electric Power Generation Plant of 1.6 MW of power will be studied, in which an analysis of the noise level generated in said plant will be made, in order to know how many decibels the workers of said plant, these results will be compared with the value mentioned in Article 103 Hearing Protection of the Safety and Health Regulations at Work with Electricity approved by Ministerial Resolution N°111-2013-MEM/DM as well as the National Standards of Environmental Quality for Noise approved by Supreme Decree N°085-2003-PCM.
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