Citas bibligráficas
Vera, M., (2022). Valoración técnica, económica y financiera de los proyectos "Línea de transmisión 138 Kv Puerto Maldonado - Iberia" y "Subestación eléctrica Valle del Chira de 220/60/22.9 Kv", bajo la modalidad de Asociación Público Privada [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Vera, M., Valoración técnica, económica y financiera de los proyectos "Línea de transmisión 138 Kv Puerto Maldonado - Iberia" y "Subestación eléctrica Valle del Chira de 220/60/22.9 Kv", bajo la modalidad de Asociación Público Privada [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2022.
title = "Valoración técnica, económica y financiera de los proyectos "Línea de transmisión 138 Kv Puerto Maldonado - Iberia" y "Subestación eléctrica Valle del Chira de 220/60/22.9 Kv", bajo la modalidad de Asociación Público Privada",
author = "Vera Cabellos, Marco Antonio",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2022"
The main purpose of this current work will be to technically, economically and financially evaluate two projects in the electricity subsector, from the perspective of the Public-Private Partnership, located in the departments of Piura and Madre de Dios. This evaluation, in accordance with Legislative Decree No. 1362 (PPP Law) and its Regulations, takes as a reference the technical evaluation of each project according to its Preliminary Draft, and is based on the analysis of the guarantees granted by the Concessionaire with the purpose of ensuring that you can meet your commitments; the payment mechanism to the Concessionaire where it will be analyzed if the projects will demand public resources; and financial economic balance. In this regard, for the classification of the two PPP projects, an analysis of the existence of a resource gap was first carried out, determining its non-existence, which is why each project is classified as Self-financed. On the other hand, in each project, the tariff regime is analyzed through the annual income corresponding to the Average Annual Cost calculated based on the annualized investment amount and the cost to operate and maintain and will be updated using the WPSFD4131 Update Index. Finally, regarding the financial economic balance, the Parties, either the Concessionaire or the Grantor, declare that, for each project, the Concession Contract will be in a balanced circumstance, whether in responsibilities, risks and rights assigned to the Parties.
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