Citas bibligráficas
Ramos, I., (2021). Metodología para construcción de recrecimiento de presas de relaves método aguas arriba con relave deshidratado, reforzado con geosínteticos [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Ramos, I., Metodología para construcción de recrecimiento de presas de relaves método aguas arriba con relave deshidratado, reforzado con geosínteticos [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2021.
title = "Metodología para construcción de recrecimiento de presas de relaves método aguas arriba con relave deshidratado, reforzado con geosínteticos",
author = "Ramos Palacios, Irving Dario",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2021"
Inside the vision of Geotechnical Engineering professionals, regarding of tailing deposits, there are different groups oriented to participate in just one of the different stages of a project, such as design, construction, operation, closure and post closure. Statistics on tailing dam failures and their regrowth, show how catastrophic these can be, causing damage to the infrastructure, environment and loss of human lives. The type of upstream tailing dam regrowth, is the most advantageous in terms of cost and optimization of spaces, though at the same time is the most susceptible to show a fault, even more so when the dam structure is built with its own tailings which can show liquefaction. The investigation of the mechanisms which gives rise to the failures, reckon the human factor intervention through an inappropriate design, inefficient supervision in the construction and operation process, in addition to the lack of adequate monitoring. Therefore, it is worth regarding the participation of a Geotechnical specialist in all stages of the project, to ensure the safety of the dam. Improvements in tailing technology have made it possible for tailing to be used as a dam regrowth body material, after a treatment and improve of its geotechnical characteristics. Such treatment depends on the tailing dam and the environmental characteristics of the area. Here we include the dehydrated tailing, which is obtained by extracting water from a paste tailing, through the installation of drainage systems, so that it has a geotechnical behavior similar to the filtered tailing. The fusion of experience, good practices learned and improvements in tailing technology should be reflected in a methodology that serves as support and guidance in the different stages of the project.
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