Citas bibligráficas
García, C., (2022). Propuesta de sistema de seguimiento y control de proyectos de construcción para mejorar la productividad de la mediana empresa constructora [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
García, C., Propuesta de sistema de seguimiento y control de proyectos de construcción para mejorar la productividad de la mediana empresa constructora [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2022.
title = "Propuesta de sistema de seguimiento y control de proyectos de construcción para mejorar la productividad de la mediana empresa constructora",
author = "García Ortiz, Carlos Mauro",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2022"
This research was carried out due to the academic interest and the great concern around medium-sized construction companies, that one way or another support a large part of our country´s economy. The main objective of this study has been determinate the current situation of these companies regarding the planning and control of their projects and this way, propose a monitoring and control system to achieve the objectives and goals proposed. This research includes a further development of different stages that starts from the literature compilation to the processing of survey data and information provided by people linked to construction and the elaboration of an improvement proposal for the proposed situation. Different surveys were carried out aimed to general managers, project managers, production managers and planners of medium-sized construction companies; and thus, assess the need to improve the process of project control and planning. The most outstanding data that the survey showed was that 100% of the people surveyed have never developed a responsibility matrix for a project and have never worked with the Last Planner System tool; However, they are all aware that a deficit in the control process contributes to the reduction of the profit margin. All the data obtained from the surveys were weighted and evaluated within a scale of need for improvement. Resulting that it is imperative an improvement in these processes so that these companies can last over time. In addition, quantitative information from different projects of these companies was used to evaluate the efficiency of their planning and control process; reaffirming this way the need of improvement. Finally, a proposal was elaborated that consist of a system of monitoring and control of projects using tools proposed by the PMBOK and lean construction in order to achieve the objectives and goals in the planning process, guaranteeing the satisfaction of the client and stop being a conformist company. This proposal includes 6 different steps to follow, from the creation of a solid organizational framework, elaboration of a SWOT matrix, identification of risks, evaluation of stakeholder participation, to the use of tools for project planning and control, and its control panel.
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