Citas bibligráficas
Rafael, B., (2022). Aplicación de redes neuronales artificiales en la interacción lateral ducto - suelo arenoso en lecho marino [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Rafael, B., Aplicación de redes neuronales artificiales en la interacción lateral ducto - suelo arenoso en lecho marino [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2022.
title = "Aplicación de redes neuronales artificiales en la interacción lateral ducto - suelo arenoso en lecho marino",
author = "Rafael Villegas, Bryam",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2022"
Currently, the offshore industry, dedicated to gas and oil exploration in deep waters, demands technological innovations on new floating structure systems and a greater study in the evaluation of the factors that influence the design of pipelines. One of these factors is the response of the ground against the lateral interaction with the future pipeline to be installed, and the prediction of this response can be carried out by Artificial Neural Networks. The present investigation started from a registry of centrifugal tests obtained from the collected bibliography (Pacheco, 2006; Tarazona, 2015), where it was necessary to generate an artificial database from the development of a numerical model using the method of discrete elements implemented in the commercial program PFC 2D, which successfully simulated the test carried out in a centrifuge. With the database obtained, made up of a total of one thousand data sets, the neural network was subsequently developed considering the parameters of micromechanical friction, burial, drag, speed and diameter of the pipe as input variables, while the output variables were breakout displacement, breakout force, berm displacement, and berm force, with the berm being the amount of soil that accumulates on the edge due to lateral movement of the pipeline. The MLP-BP multilayer neural network technique was used, the procedures being implemented in the platform for online development in Python language called Google Collaboratory. This network allowed to train a regression model, the hyperparameters being optimized based on the representativeness of the berm and breakout forces. The results showed that the MLP-BP neural network presented a satisfactory representation capacity in the representation of the berm forces (R2=0.96) and breakout forces (R2=0.74) produced by the drag of the pipe, compared with the coefficient of determination minimum required (R2>0.70), which demonstrates its ability to predict the response of the pipe-soil lateral interaction.
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