Bibliographic citations
Quispe, E., (2020). Análisis de las condiciones de estabilidad física para sistemas de cobertura con geosintéticos en el cierre de minas [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Quispe, E., Análisis de las condiciones de estabilidad física para sistemas de cobertura con geosintéticos en el cierre de minas [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2020.
title = "Análisis de las condiciones de estabilidad física para sistemas de cobertura con geosintéticos en el cierre de minas",
author = "Quispe Astete, Elard Roque",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2020"
This study presents the physical stability analysis of cover systems with geosynthetics that could be placed in the closure of slopes for mining waste storage facilities, such as tailings dams, mine waste dumps and heap leach pads. A geosynthetic liner prevents water ingress avoiding the acid rock drainage and reducing the risk of ecosystem contamination. This geosynthetic must be impermeable and has a high durability, which provides advantages when compared with traditional cover systems that use a layer of low permeability soil. In addition, geosynthetics are useful when borrow source of low permeability soil is not available close to the project, or when the compaction become a difficult process due to steep slopes. Although cover systems with geosynthetics have advantages over traditional soil cover systems, stability problems can happen such as soil cover slide down over the geosynthetic, which could be caused by own weight, seismic forces or seepage forces, which increases the remediation and maintenance costs. The design of cover systems for mine facilities is getting more common, therefore, criteria and tools that are useful in the geotechnical analysis and design are necessary, even more considering that physical stability is affected by rainfalls and seismic events that are frequent where most of mines are located. This work evaluates the conditions of physical stability in cover systems that include geosynthetics like LLDPE geomembrane and geosynthetic clay liner (GCL) placed on slopes between 1,5H:1V and 3,5H:1V. Previously, in order to analyze the stability, shear strength of the interfaces generated by geosynthetics and adjacent materials was estimated carrying out large scale direct shear tests. Likewise, a parametric analysis was performed in order to know the influence of the design parameters on the obtained factor of safety. Then, based on multiple analyzes performed considering different soil properties, geometric configurations and service conditions, recommendations for the design of cover systems with GCL and geomembrane in different slope inclinations are indicated in a matrix, including the types of reinforcement that are applicable. Finally, based on a reliability-based approach, design charts in function of reliability indexes are proposed, which will be useful for preliminary design of cover systems in mining projects.
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