Citas bibligráficas
Dueñas, J., (2019). Evaluación de una planta de tratamiento con el proceso físico-químico y reactor aerobio de biopelicula (MBBR) para el tratamiento de aguas residuales doméstica combinados con el efluentes de lavado de mangos a escala piloto [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Dueñas, J., Evaluación de una planta de tratamiento con el proceso físico-químico y reactor aerobio de biopelicula (MBBR) para el tratamiento de aguas residuales doméstica combinados con el efluentes de lavado de mangos a escala piloto [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2019.
title = "Evaluación de una planta de tratamiento con el proceso físico-químico y reactor aerobio de biopelicula (MBBR) para el tratamiento de aguas residuales doméstica combinados con el efluentes de lavado de mangos a escala piloto",
author = "Dueñas Rosas, Joel Ambrosio",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2019"
The project covers the evaluation of a pilot scale treatment plant that includes different processes, such as the physical-chemical process and moving bed biofilm reactor with its acronym in English (MBBR) for the treatment of domestic wastewater combined with the washing effluent of mangoes. The evaluated effluent comes from the combination and preparation of domestic wastewater that comes from the Citar Fia-Uni facilities (before the entry to the rafa) with the effluent concentrate from the washing of mangoes that has been pulped inside the facilities of Citrar Fia -Uni. Having variations of concentration, for such a reason it has been stored in an equalizer tank. The physical-chemical process has been developed by adding coagulant and flocculant, varying the pH, for an optimal dosage already found previously. It is obtained the clarified water that will pass to the next treatment process, the generated sludge is evacuated to the drying bed as final disposal. The moving bed biofilm reactor with its acronym in English (MBBR), this biological process was developed using inoculated sludge and as support material the flexible corrugated pipe, with prolonged aeration throughout the process has been maintained constant air flow, forming biofilms inside the corrugated pipe increasing the efficiency of the process of traetment, the secondary clarifier with the clarified water of this process passes through the sand filter with a layer of activated carbon, as a complementary process. This clarified water also generates biological sludge which has been recirculated once per week.
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