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Prado, J., (2020). Microzonificación geotécnica sísmica del distrito de Los Olivos [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Prado, J., Microzonificación geotécnica sísmica del distrito de Los Olivos [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2020.
title = "Microzonificación geotécnica sísmica del distrito de Los Olivos",
author = "Prado Ñaupa, Jesus Alex",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2020"
Título: Microzonificación geotécnica sísmica del distrito de Los Olivos
Autor(es): Prado Ñaupa, Jesus Alex
Asesor(es): Calderón Cahuana, Diana Lucia
Palabras clave: Microzonificación sísmica; Sismicidad; Análisis sismico
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 2020
Institución: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería
Resumen: Los eventos sísmicos son un peligro latente para nuestro País dada su ubicación sobre el Cinturón del Fuego del Pacífico. Especialmente la parte costera, donde está ubicado el distrito de Los Olivos, y está expuesto a un alto nivel de peligro sísmico.
Debido al peligro latente se hace necesario desarrollar estudios de Microzonificación Sísmica, como el presente, para dar a conocer el grado de peligro sísmico y vulnerabilidad en el que nos encontramos y así poder tomar las medidas preventivas necesarias.
La Microzonificación Geotécnica Sísmica es un estudio multidisciplinario, que evalúa el peligro sísmico estadísticamente para estimar la aceleración máxima horizontal en suelo y roca, los peligros geológicos y las características geológicas.
Asimismo, mediante exploraciones de campo y ensayos de laboratorio para identificar los diferentes tipos de suelo se evalúan las características geotécnicas; y las características dinámicas a partir de mediciones de la vibración del suelo; los cuales se plasman en los mapas de Microzonificación Geotécnica y de Isoperiodos, respectivamente.
El resultado de este estudio es el mapa de Microzonificación Geotécnica Sísmica del distrito de Los Olivos, a través del análisis de la sismicidad, las condiciones geológicas-geotécnicas y dinámicas que constituyen el área de investigación, clasificando los diferentes tipos de suelo en zonas con características similares.
Este estudio es una gran herramienta para la planificación y desarrollo urbano y para la reconstrucción después de un desastre sísmico.
Earthquakes are a latent hazard for our country, and it especially affect the coastal cities since they are over "the Pacific Ring of Fire", a very well know area for his high seismic activity around the world. Los Olivos district, the target area of this study, is located in Lima city, in the central coast of Peru, and consequently is expected to be exposed to a high level of seismic hazard. In order to mitigate this hazard, studies of Seismic Microzonation, such as the one developed here, are important to make know the degree of seismic hazard and vulnerability in which we live, and thus be able to take the necessary preventive measures. The Seismic Geotechnical Microzonation is a multidisciplinary study that assessthe seismic hazard statistically to estimate the maximum horizontal acceleration in soil and rock, geological hazards and geological features. Moreover, by means offield explorations and laboratory tests to identify the different types of soil, the geotechnical characteristics are evaluated, and the dynamic characteristics from soil vibration measurements; which are reflected in the Geotechnical Microzonation and Isoperiods maps, respectively. The result of this study is the Geotechnical Seismic Microzonation Map of the Los Olivos district, through the analysis of seismicity, the geological-geotechnical and dynamic conditions that constitute the research area, classifying the different types of soil in areas with similar characteristics. This study is an important tool for urban planning and development and for reconstruction after a seismic disaster.
Earthquakes are a latent hazard for our country, and it especially affect the coastal cities since they are over "the Pacific Ring of Fire", a very well know area for his high seismic activity around the world. Los Olivos district, the target area of this study, is located in Lima city, in the central coast of Peru, and consequently is expected to be exposed to a high level of seismic hazard. In order to mitigate this hazard, studies of Seismic Microzonation, such as the one developed here, are important to make know the degree of seismic hazard and vulnerability in which we live, and thus be able to take the necessary preventive measures. The Seismic Geotechnical Microzonation is a multidisciplinary study that assessthe seismic hazard statistically to estimate the maximum horizontal acceleration in soil and rock, geological hazards and geological features. Moreover, by means offield explorations and laboratory tests to identify the different types of soil, the geotechnical characteristics are evaluated, and the dynamic characteristics from soil vibration measurements; which are reflected in the Geotechnical Microzonation and Isoperiods maps, respectively. The result of this study is the Geotechnical Seismic Microzonation Map of the Los Olivos district, through the analysis of seismicity, the geological-geotechnical and dynamic conditions that constitute the research area, classifying the different types of soil in areas with similar characteristics. This study is an important tool for urban planning and development and for reconstruction after a seismic disaster.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Ingeniería Civil
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería. Facultad de Ingeniería Civil
Grado o título: Ingeniero Civil
Jurado: Aguilar Bardales, Zenón; Lázares La Rosa, Luis Fernando
Fecha de registro: 6-jul-2021
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