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Orellana, Á., (2019). Centro Cultural Municipal de Breña [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Orellana, Á., Centro Cultural Municipal de Breña [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2019.
title = "Centro Cultural Municipal de Breña",
author = "Orellana Rosales, Ángela Maribel",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2019"
Title: Centro Cultural Municipal de Breña
Authors(s): Orellana Rosales, Ángela Maribel
Advisor(s): Jiménez Campos, Víctor Luis
Keywords: Arquitectura; Centros culturales; Edificio híbrido
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2019
Institution: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería
Abstract: El distrito de Breña es uno de los más pequeños de la metrópoli Limeña, el cual, a pesar de ser pequeño, posee un alto índice de necesidades culturales y recreativas no abastecidas, debido a la escasa existencia de equipamientos de este tipo y la poca área verde y espacio público de congregación que el distrito posee.
Frente a ello, el desarrollo de la línea 2 del Tren de Lima, representa una gama de oportunidades urbanas y arquitectónicas que permiten contribuir en solucionar esta problemática. Por lo que es oportuno el planteamiento de una
regeneración urbana en el distrito que permita un reordenamiento de equipamientos alrededor de la Plaza Murillo con el fin de conservar la memoria
urbana de este lugar.
El Centro Cultural Municipal de Breña, es planteado como un edificio hibrido en el que se mantiene una estrecha relación entre los peatones y los usuarios del equipamiento, logrando que confluyan las actividades de ambos, en espacios públicos y semi públicos localizados dentro del edificio, con la intención de incrementar las áreas recreativas y las áreas verdes.
Un equipamiento en el que convergen actividades recreativas, culturales y educativas. Con espacios adecuados para preservar, difundir y enriquecer el arte, la cultura y la educación como medio de protección social para grupos etarios vulnerables.
Para el diseño de estos espacios se estudió la manera de brindar el máximo aprovechamiento de los mismos, por ello se plantea una biblioteca de estantería abierta, un auditorio, salas de cine, aulas, talleres de capacitación y aprendizaje, y oficinas complementarias de alquiler con el modelo organizacional coworking. Espacios que permitirán el óptimo desarrollo de las actividades de los ciudadanos y contribuya con el desarrollo de Breña como distrito, y el de Lima como metrópoli al ser un proyecto hibrido innovador.
The district of Breña is one of the smallest of the Lima’s metropolis, which, despite being small, has a high rate of cultural and recreational needs that are not supplied, due to the scarce existence of equipment of this type and the small green area and public congregational space that the district owns. Against this, the building of Line 2 of the Train of Lima, represents a range of urban and architectural opportunities that allow contributing to solve this problem. So it is appropriate to propose an urban regeneration in the district that allows reordering of equipment around the Plaza Murillo to preserve the urban memory of this place. The Municipal Cultural Center of Breña, is proposed as a hybrid building in which a close relationship is maintained between pedestrians and users of the equipment, achieving the confluence of the activities of both, in public and semi-public spaces located within the building, to increase recreational areas and green areas. Equipment in which recreational, cultural and educational activities converge. With adequate spaces to preserve, disseminate and enrich art, culture, and education as a means of social protection for vulnerable age groups. For the design of these spaces, the way to provide the maximum use of them was studied, which is why an open shelving library, an auditorium, movie theaters, classrooms, training and learning workshops, and complimentary rental offices are proposed with the coworking organizational model. Spaces that will allow the optimal development of citizens' activities and contribute to the development of Breña as a district, and that of Lima as a metropolis, as it is an innovative hybrid project.
The district of Breña is one of the smallest of the Lima’s metropolis, which, despite being small, has a high rate of cultural and recreational needs that are not supplied, due to the scarce existence of equipment of this type and the small green area and public congregational space that the district owns. Against this, the building of Line 2 of the Train of Lima, represents a range of urban and architectural opportunities that allow contributing to solve this problem. So it is appropriate to propose an urban regeneration in the district that allows reordering of equipment around the Plaza Murillo to preserve the urban memory of this place. The Municipal Cultural Center of Breña, is proposed as a hybrid building in which a close relationship is maintained between pedestrians and users of the equipment, achieving the confluence of the activities of both, in public and semi-public spaces located within the building, to increase recreational areas and green areas. Equipment in which recreational, cultural and educational activities converge. With adequate spaces to preserve, disseminate and enrich art, culture, and education as a means of social protection for vulnerable age groups. For the design of these spaces, the way to provide the maximum use of them was studied, which is why an open shelving library, an auditorium, movie theaters, classrooms, training and learning workshops, and complimentary rental offices are proposed with the coworking organizational model. Spaces that will allow the optimal development of citizens' activities and contribute to the development of Breña as a district, and that of Lima as a metropolis, as it is an innovative hybrid project.
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Discipline: Arquitectura
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería. Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Artes
Grade or title: Arquitecto
Juror: Guzmán García, Carlos Enrique; Luna Sequeiros, Miguel Ángel
Register date: 15-Oct-2020
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