Citas bibligráficas
Osorio, B., Vásquez, R. (2014). Diseño e implementación de un modelo de planeamiento estratégico y control para la gestión de deserción estudiantil en los centros de preparación de las universidades peruanas [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Osorio, B., Vásquez, R. Diseño e implementación de un modelo de planeamiento estratégico y control para la gestión de deserción estudiantil en los centros de preparación de las universidades peruanas [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2014.
title = "Diseño e implementación de un modelo de planeamiento estratégico y control para la gestión de deserción estudiantil en los centros de preparación de las universidades peruanas",
author = "Vásquez Domínguez, Riquelmer Apolinar",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2014"
Work Thesis titled: "Design and lmplementation of ad-hoc model of strategic planning and control for managing student desertion in centers of preparation of Peruvians Universities" is a research that determines to what extent the design of an ad-hoc model of strategic planning could improve management of student desertion in pre-university centers nationwide, for which data mining techniques are used as classification and clustering in order to get behavior patterns befare and after applying the ad-hoc model for all study centers nationwide. The optimai combination between resources and business opportunities can improve the competitiveness in centers of preparation of Peruvians Universities, will investígate an innovative model that can be applied to many cases and find out their level of effectiveness as a method to solve various problems throughout current organization to achieve greater economic benefit. One of the major problems in centers of preparation of Peruvians Universities is the student desertion, which is understood as the decrease in the number of students throughout study cycles between, for which research whether the application of our model could adequately decrease the students desertion in the centers. For this appropriate indicators were used though student surveys centers preparing Peruvians Universities to evaluate student responses against management based on our model. Data mining techniques help to obtain the behavior of the center before and after applying our model in all training centers Peruvian Universities. The hypothesis in this research is ''The development of a model of strategic planning can reduce student desertion in centers preparing Peruvians Universities", to check whether it is true or false this assumption the McNemar test was used.
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