Citas bibligráficas
Sánchez, E., (2018). Optimización termoeconómica y ambiental de la integración de un ciclo de CO2 supercrítico en una central térmica para la reducción del costo de electricidad [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Sánchez, E., Optimización termoeconómica y ambiental de la integración de un ciclo de CO2 supercrítico en una central térmica para la reducción del costo de electricidad [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2018.
title = "Optimización termoeconómica y ambiental de la integración de un ciclo de CO2 supercrítico en una central térmica para la reducción del costo de electricidad",
author = "Sánchez Villafana, Eder Darwin",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2018"
In this work, a thermoeconomic and exergoambiental analysis was carried out at the Santa Rosa simple cycle thermal power plant, located in Lima (Peru). Subsequently, the same analysis was applied to a new integrated thermal power plant, formed by the integration of a supercritical carbon dioxide partial heating Brayton cycle in the single cycle thermal power plant. An exhaustive parametric study was conducted to see the effects of some decision variables on the thermoeconomic performance of the proposed system. Finally, the integrated thermal power plant was optimized from the thermoeconomic and environmental point of view, the objective function considered was the total cost, which is made up of the sum of the cost of capital investment, cost of exergy destruction and environmental cost. The results showed that the total product unit cost (electricity) was reduced by 10.37% compared to the initial condition. In addition, the specific investment cost and total efficiency are lower by 25.25% and 0.45% respectively, compared to a conventional combined cycle thermal power plant.
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