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Bocanegra, R., (2018). Terminal terrestre en Ica [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Bocanegra, R., Terminal terrestre en Ica [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2018.
title = "Terminal terrestre en Ica",
author = "Bocanegra Córdova, Ricardo David",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2018"
Título: Terminal terrestre en Ica
Autor(es): Bocanegra Córdova, Ricardo David
Asesor(es): Velarde Andrade, Pablo Alberto José
Palabras clave: Terminales terrestres; Entorno urbano
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 2018
Institución: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería
Resumen: El departamento de Ica posee un gran potencial turístico y gastronómico, lo cual se refleja en la cantidad de visitantes que llega a la ciudad, generando valiosos ingresos económicos. Esto, sumado a los visitantes que vienen por estudios y trabajo, genera un gran flujo de personas que entran y salen de la ciudad, y la falta de planificación ha creado desorden, contaminación y falta de seguridad en la ciudad.
El objetivo de la presente tesis es diseñar un terminal terrestre que ayude a resolver estos problemas existentes en la ciudad de Ica, ordenando de esta manera a la agencias de las empresas de transportes interprovinciales que se encuentran mal ubicadas dentro de la ciudad además que ayudaría a diferenciar a las empresas formales de las empresas informales.
También se busca que el proyecto terminal terrestre se integre con su entorno urbano creando áreas verdes de uso público que sirva como transición entre el terminal y vía pública, dándole a la ciudad un lugar de esparcimiento, ayudando así a mejorar el ordenamiento urbano.
Además dentro el terminal proporcionara a la ciudad un área comercial con bancos, patio de comidas y zona de juegos de video y tiendas de ventas de suvenires dentro del terminal.
The department of Ica has great tourist and gastronomic potential, which is reflected in the number of visitors that arrive in the city, generating valuable economic income. This, added to the visitors who come for studies and work, generates a great flow of people entering and leaving the city, and the lack of planning has created disorder, contamination and lack of security in the city. The objective of this thesis is to design a terrestrial terminal that helps to solve these existing problems in the city of Ica, thus ordering the agencies of interprovincial transport companies that are poorly located within the city, which would also help differentiate formal companies from informal companies. It is also intended that the terrestrial terminal project be integrated with its urban environment creating green areas for public use to serve as a transition between the terminal and public road, giving the city a place of recreation, thus helping to improve urban planning. In addition, the terminal will provide the city with a commercial area with banks, food court and video gaming area and souvenir sales stores within the terminal.
The department of Ica has great tourist and gastronomic potential, which is reflected in the number of visitors that arrive in the city, generating valuable economic income. This, added to the visitors who come for studies and work, generates a great flow of people entering and leaving the city, and the lack of planning has created disorder, contamination and lack of security in the city. The objective of this thesis is to design a terrestrial terminal that helps to solve these existing problems in the city of Ica, thus ordering the agencies of interprovincial transport companies that are poorly located within the city, which would also help differentiate formal companies from informal companies. It is also intended that the terrestrial terminal project be integrated with its urban environment creating green areas for public use to serve as a transition between the terminal and public road, giving the city a place of recreation, thus helping to improve urban planning. In addition, the terminal will provide the city with a commercial area with banks, food court and video gaming area and souvenir sales stores within the terminal.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Arquitectura
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería. Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Artes
Grado o título: Arquitecto
Jurado: Ortíz Agama, Robinson Constantino; Medina Manrique, Roberto
Fecha de registro: 4-ene-2019
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