Bibliographic citations
Oviedo, R., (2004). Análisis inelástico y control de la respuesta sísmica de edificios utilizando disipadores de energía [Tesis de segunda especialidad, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Oviedo, R., Análisis inelástico y control de la respuesta sísmica de edificios utilizando disipadores de energía [Tesis de segunda especialidad]. : Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2004.
title = "Análisis inelástico y control de la respuesta sísmica de edificios utilizando disipadores de energía",
author = "Oviedo Sarmiento, Ricardo Ramón",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2004"
In the world since 1755 more than 14 millions of persons had died in seismic events. For this reason is so important a good behaviour of the structures; this is a good way to reduce the lost of human lives and materials. In the books there are several information about elastic design in comparison with the information about inelastic design with dampers; this is the reason because we are doing the present investigation. This investigation is an introduction of the design of buildings with dampers, which application will be particular; eve^ application depends of several characteristics of the structure and their requirements to solve the specific problem. The strengthening of structures is a very important activity, because each building is exposed to a different seismic event in a different place of the planet. In this investigation we’ll realize the dynamic nonlinear analysis of a building of reinforced concrete of 109.66 m. The structural analysis program SAP2000 Nonlinear Version 8.2.5 was used. Initially this program was developed in the university of Berkeley, but acnially only is developed by Computer and Structures Inc (1984-2003) (14). For obtain the plastic hinges we have been taken the sections of the elements with their specified areas of longitudinal reinforcing steel. The seismic record of October of 1966 was used and the seismic acceleration was'scaled to 400 and 600 gals. After of realize the dynamic nonlinear analysis of the building, the design of the dampers was made for obtain an effective damping of 20% in the structure. After we proceed to realize the analysis of the building with the dampers for obtain the response with the added doping. We obtained that with the dampers we can reduce the force acting in the building; also reduce the displacements, velocities and accelerations of the interstories. And finally, we obtain the influence of the dopers in the energy of the building. This Investigation is inside of the program of Second Specialization in Seismoresistant Engineering, of the National University of Engineering of Peru. The recollection of information was made in the Computation Center of the Japan Peru Center for Earthquake Engineering Research and Disaster Mitigation - CISMID, and the analysis of the model were realized in the computer of my house.
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