Citas bibligráficas
Nuñez, A., (2024). Grupos interactivos y la resolución de problemas de cantidad en estudiantes del Centro de Educación Básica Alternativa Manuel González Prada [Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle].
Nuñez, A., Grupos interactivos y la resolución de problemas de cantidad en estudiantes del Centro de Educación Básica Alternativa Manuel González Prada []. PE: Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle; 2024.
title = "Grupos interactivos y la resolución de problemas de cantidad en estudiantes del Centro de Educación Básica Alternativa Manuel González Prada",
author = "Nuñez Gonza, Abel",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle",
year = "2024"
The objective of this research work is to analyze the influence of interactive groups on the development of mathematical competence in solving quantity problems in second grade students of the advanced cycle of the Manuel González Prada Alternative Basic Education Center, UGEL 06. This work is also quantitative in approach, applied type, experimental design, guided in its pre-experimental form in the use of a pretest and posttest for a single group, instruments previously validated in their content by the judgment of experts and enjoying the reliability of the Kuder-Richardson 20 statistician, for being dichotomous values. The sample consisted of 20 students, who were experimentally intervened in sessions of a program for interactive groups. Thus, using the Shapiro Wilk test (n <50), it was found that the sample did not present normality in it, which then implied the use of non-parametric statistics through the Wilcoxon statistic for the hypothesis test, managing to determine the existence of a significant influence of the interactive groups in the development of quantity problem solving in second grade students of the advanced cycle (z = -5.528; p < 0.01).
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