Citas bibligráficas
Javier, Y., (2020). Estrategias didácticas de convivencia escolar para disminuir la
agresividad en los estudiantes de 4to grado del nivel primario de la I.E.
34454 “Alejandro Luis Calderon Espinoza”, Comunidad Nativa de Nevati,
distrito de Puerto Bermúdez, provincia Oxapampa, Región Pasco, 2017. [Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle].
Javier, Y., Estrategias didácticas de convivencia escolar para disminuir la
agresividad en los estudiantes de 4to grado del nivel primario de la I.E.
34454 “Alejandro Luis Calderon Espinoza”, Comunidad Nativa de Nevati,
distrito de Puerto Bermúdez, provincia Oxapampa, Región Pasco, 2017. []. PE: Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle; 2020.
title = "Estrategias didácticas de convivencia escolar para disminuir la
agresividad en los estudiantes de 4to grado del nivel primario de la I.E.
34454 “Alejandro Luis Calderon Espinoza”, Comunidad Nativa de Nevati,
distrito de Puerto Bermúdez, provincia Oxapampa, Región Pasco, 2017.",
author = "Javier Rios, Yaquelin Elizabeth",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle",
year = "2020"
The objective of this research work is about the didactic strategies of school coexistence to reduce aggressiveness in 4th grade students of the primary level of the I.E. 34454 Alejandro Luis Calderón Espinoza, Native Community of Nevati, Puerto Bermúdez district, Oxapampa province, Pasco Region, 2017, has the purpose of determining how the didactic strategies of school coexistence reduce aggressiveness in the students studied. A quantitative approach is used due to the experimental nature of the applied studies. This is the parameter for a pre-experimental design involving 1 students under a non-probability sample. Data on the affected variables were collected using an educational test containing items corresponding to aggression. Among the main statistical results, it was observed that 57.1% (8) of the experimental group presented a high level of aggressiveness in the pretest and 6.3% (9) presented a moderate level in the posttest, in relation to the inferential ones. it was found that (z = -3,298, p > 0.05). Therefore, in its main conclusions it was found that: The didactic strategies of school coexistence significantly reduce aggressiveness in the students evaluated.
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