Citas bibligráficas
Huaman, A., (2020). Teorías implícitas de docentes sobre las tecnologías de información y comunicación para la calidad de enseñanza en el área de Ciencias Sociales en nivel secundario en una institución pública de Lurigancho Chosica [Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle].
Huaman, A., Teorías implícitas de docentes sobre las tecnologías de información y comunicación para la calidad de enseñanza en el área de Ciencias Sociales en nivel secundario en una institución pública de Lurigancho Chosica []. PE: Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle; 2020.
title = "Teorías implícitas de docentes sobre las tecnologías de información y comunicación para la calidad de enseñanza en el área de Ciencias Sociales en nivel secundario en una institución pública de Lurigancho Chosica",
author = "Huaman Guzman, Abraham Moises",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle",
year = "2020"
This research entitled Implicit Theories of Teachers on Information and Communication Technologies in the quality of teaching in the area of Social Sciences at secondary level in a public institution of Lurigancho Chosica, has formulated the general problem What implicit theories are present in the teachers on the TIC for the quality of teaching of the area of Social Sciences in secondary level?, with the objective of Describing the implicit theories that are present in the teachers on the TIC for the quality of teaching of the area of Social Sciences in level secondary in a public institution of Lurigancho Chosica. Based on this problem and objective, the hypothetical assumption of considering, in relation to the national educational context, to expect to be able to contrast the conceptual and functional delay that exists in regular secondary school teachers regarding the interpretation of the meaning has been developed. In addition, use of TIC, where the different classifications given to information and communication technologies can be evidenced for the teaching of the Social Sciences course at secondary level. The research carried out was of the case study type, under an ethnographic design, because knowledge and practices of a certain institutional group are described. The technique and instruments for data collection have used the qualitative research interview. For the processing or analysis of data, the qualitative computational analysis software Atlas.ti was used, which allows the study of qualitative data under conceptual coding.
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