Citas bibligráficas
Aguirre, F., (2022). Calidad educativa y evaluación formativa en los cadetes de III año de la Escuela Militar de Chorrillos Coronel Francisco Bolognesi – 2019 [Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle].
Aguirre, F., Calidad educativa y evaluación formativa en los cadetes de III año de la Escuela Militar de Chorrillos Coronel Francisco Bolognesi – 2019 []. PE: Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle; 2022.
title = "Calidad educativa y evaluación formativa en los cadetes de III año de la Escuela Militar de Chorrillos Coronel Francisco Bolognesi – 2019",
author = "Aguirre Briolo, Fernando Adalberto",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle",
year = "2022"
The objective of this research work is to specify the relationship between educational quality and formative evaluation in the cadets of the III year of the Military School of Chorrillos Cnel. Francisco Bolognesi-2019”. Quantitative method, applied in nature, its presented scope was descriptive - correlational and non-experimental design. From a population of 224 cadets of the III year, 142 were selected as a sample. A 12-item questionnaire was prepared for each variable, with a Likert rating scale; the reliability of the instrument was 0.910 and therefore, it obtained a high reliability. A correlation of 0.900 was determined through Spearman's Rho for the general hypothesis, this value allowed establishing a very high positive connection between variables. Finally, it was possible to conclude that both variables are correlated.
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