Citas bibligráficas
Romani, F., (2023). Burnout académico y bienestar psicológico en las clases virtuales en estudiantes de posgrado de la mención Docencia Universitaria [Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Gúzman y Valle].
Romani, F., Burnout académico y bienestar psicológico en las clases virtuales en estudiantes de posgrado de la mención Docencia Universitaria []. PE: Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Gúzman y Valle; 2023.
title = "Burnout académico y bienestar psicológico en las clases virtuales en estudiantes de posgrado de la mención Docencia Universitaria",
author = "Romani Quispe, Flor de Maria",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Gúzman y Valle",
year = "2023"
The objective of this research work was carried out with the aim of finding the levels of interaction between academic burnout and psychological well-being in the virtual classes of the master's students of the UNE Graduate School. The methodology was directed through the quantitative, non-experimental, descriptive, correlational, transversal approach, with a sample of 120 participants of the University Teaching mention. The Ryff Psychological Well-being questionnaire - EBP was used as well as the Maslach Academic Burnout Syndrome, adapted by Gaspar and Acuña, which obtained 95% validity and a reliability of 0.825 and 0.921. It was found that in 37.5% of the respondents academic burnout is low, in 30% it is medium and in 32.5% it is high; on the other hand, 40% have poor psychological well-being, 32.5% regular and 27.5% good. The Kendall tau-b correlation coefficient (0.843) showed a high positive direct correlation between academic burnout and psychological well-being in virtual classes in students of the UNE EGyV Graduate School, majoring in University Teaching.
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