Citas bibligráficas
Maima, C., (2020). El modelo de aseguramiento de la calidad educativa y su relación con el mejoramiento de la calidad en la carrera profesional de mecánica automotriz del I.E.S.T. Público “Max Planck” de Ambo - 2014 [Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle].
Maima, C., El modelo de aseguramiento de la calidad educativa y su relación con el mejoramiento de la calidad en la carrera profesional de mecánica automotriz del I.E.S.T. Público “Max Planck” de Ambo - 2014 []. PE: Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle; 2020.
title = "El modelo de aseguramiento de la calidad educativa y su relación con el mejoramiento de la calidad en la carrera profesional de mecánica automotriz del I.E.S.T. Público “Max Planck” de Ambo - 2014",
author = "Maima Ore, Celinda Oriele",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle",
year = "2020"
The purpose of this research work is to know the relationship between the model of quality assurance of education and the improvement of quality in the professional career of automotive mechanics of the I.E.S.T. Public “Max Planck” of Ambo, during the year 2014. It is an investigation for its basic purpose, because its results enrich the theoretical knowledge; it assumes the non-experimental design of a descriptive - correlational type, because it establishes a relationship between two variables: The model of quality assurance of education and quality improvement. The sample consisted of the educational agents of the Institute: by 3 executives and 6 teachers 62 students and 2 administrative, being 73 respondents, Two instruments were applied: surveys (managers, teachers, students and parents) consisting of 70 items and a quality improvement questionnaire that consisted of 30 items. Both have been validated through expert judgment and present an adequate level of reliability: 0.898, and 0.899 respectively. The results show that there is a significant relationship between the study variables obtaining a correlation of rxy = 0.87; In other words, a strong positive correlation, the hypothesis test confirms / to = 14, 868 / is greater than / tc.= 1,667 /, with a significant relationship between the variables.
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