Citas bibligráficas
Sánchez, M., Huertas, J., Velarde, V., Fuentes, M., Oshiro, C. (2018). El aprendizaje cooperativo y la comprensión lectora en los estudiantes del tercer ciclo del curso de Comunicación III de la Universidad Privada del Norte sede San Juan de Lurigancho [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Tecnológica del Perú].
Sánchez, M., Huertas, J., Velarde, V., Fuentes, M., Oshiro, C. El aprendizaje cooperativo y la comprensión lectora en los estudiantes del tercer ciclo del curso de Comunicación III de la Universidad Privada del Norte sede San Juan de Lurigancho [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Tecnológica del Perú; 2018.
title = "El aprendizaje cooperativo y la comprensión lectora en los estudiantes del tercer ciclo del curso de Comunicación III de la Universidad Privada del Norte sede San Juan de Lurigancho",
author = "Oshiro Gusukuma, César Augusto",
publisher = "Universidad Tecnológica del Perú",
year = "2018"
This study was conducted at the Universidad Privada del Norte, in the district of San Juan de Lurigancho, with the students of the third semester, in the subject of Communication III, a subject common to all careers. The problem of reading comprehension was analyzed in the first cycles of university studies, a fact that affects their academic performance and the importance of Cooperative learning to improve that competence. That is why we need to study reading comprehension, considering the levels: literal, inferential, and critical, through a quasi- experimental transversal work with the application of a cooperative learning technique to the experimental group and a test of control of reading to both groups. This work evaluated the Reading Comprehension of the students, in the Literal, Inferential and Critical levels, related to the dimensions of the Cooperative Learning. A sample was taken of 319 students, of which 165 were the experimental group with whom Shared Reading was used as a Cooperative Learning technique and 154 were from the control group, all from the third cycle of Communication III, that sampling was at the discretion of the researchers. The instruments used were online questionnaires that the students answered after the sessions, in both groups. The data was analyzed for each variable and dimension. For cooperative learning it was found that students' perception of it; in the five dimensions, more than 90% of the students considered that cooperative learning was important and very important and they rated it as good for reading comprehension, while in the evaluation of reading comprehension at the literal level a little relation was found, (p <0.05), at the inferential and critical level it was found that there is no correlation between the variables. Despite the results that indicate that there is no significant improvement in Reading Comprehension, we believe that this is due to the limited time for the application of the instruments and due to the academic calendar of the university, so we recommend applying it in longer periods as a full academic semester or after students know each other better.
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