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Título: Evaluación para la implementación de un centro privado de servicio de hemodiálisis para pacientes con insuficiencia renal crónica
Campo OCDE: https://purl.org/pe-repo/ocde/ford#5.02.04
Fecha de publicación: 2015
Institución: Universidad Tecnológica del Perú
Resumen: Analizar los componentes de los costos fijos y variables que conlleva un tratamiento de hemodiálisis en el Perú que debe ser objeto de atención por parte del Sistema Sanitario del país. Se estima que cerca de 300 mil personas en el Perú padecen de Insuficiencia Renal Crónica (IRC), mientras que la prevalencia de la Insuficiencia Renal Crónica Terminal (IRCT) es de 9,000 pacientes asegurados por Essalud por año. Essalud atiende aproximadamente al 80% de pacientes, las otras entidades juntas: MINSA, Policía, Fuerzas Armadas y Privados, atienden aproximadamente al 20% restante. De los 5.100 pacientes que reciben tratamiento de hemodiálisis en Lima, unos 3.800 lo hacen en 51 clínicas pagadas por Essalud porque esta institución no cuenta con equipos suficientes. En nuestro país, el porcentaje del PBI que se destina a la salud es menor que el que asignan otros países similares a él, alcanzando 5%, mientras que otros países destinan mayor porcentaje, por ejemplo Bolivia 5.8%, Colombia 6.8%, Chile 7.2%. Se recopiló de información mediante el uso de fuentes secundarias, entrevistas a propietarios de centros privados de hemodiálisis y visitas a los centros de hemodiálisis de los hospitales nacionales de Lima Metropolitana. Luego de realizar los cálculos correspondientes, se determinó que la TIR trabajando tres turnos es de 13% luego de impuestos y la TIR trabajando en cinco turnos es de 27% luego de impuestos, que son rentabilidades favorables para cualquier inversionista, dada la situación económica que vive nuestro país.

In the Business Plan: "Assessment for the Implementation of a Private Service Center for Hemodialysis for patients with chronic kidney failure," the components of fixed and variable costs that carry a treatment of Hemodialysis in Peru were analyzed, which should be an object of attention on part of the Sanitary system of the country. It's estimated that close to 300,000 people in Peru suffer from Chronic Kidney Failure (CKF), while the prevalence of Terminal Chronic Kidney Failure (TCKF) is 9,000 patients insured by Essalud per year. Essalud serves approximately 80% of patients, the others together: Ministry of Health (MOH), Police, Armed Forces, and Private Groups, serve approximately the remaining 20%. Of the 5,100 patients that receive hemodialysis treatment in Lima, only 3,800 of them do so in 51 clinics paid for by Essalud because they don't have enough equipment. We worked with a methodology that is comprised of the following steps: Data Collection, which was conducted by use of secondary sources, interviews with owners of private hemodialysis centers and visits to the hemodialysis centers of the national hospitals of Metropolitan Lima, who provided data for the preparation of this Business Plan. In our country, the percentage of GDP that is spent on health is lower than other similar countries, reaching 5%, while other countries spend a higher percentage, for example: Bolivia at 5.8%, Colombia at 6.8%, and Chile at 7.2%. For these reasons, it can be seen that the investment in a private hemodialysis center has economic and social support. According to the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the payment for a session of hemodialysis is different if it's a public or private provider. While Essalud pays the majority of affiliated centers 171 soles for a hemodialysis session, in this study it's shown that the cost for a session is 162.67 soles, leaving a margin of 8.33 soles per session, which is inadequate to provide quality sessions in a sustainable manner, which will be made known to those persons interested. After performing the corresponding calculations, it was determined that the TIR working three shifts is 13% after taxes and the TIR working five shifts is 27% after taxes, which are favorable returns for any investor, given the economic situation of our country.
Disciplina académico-profesional: Administración de Empresas
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Tecnológica del Perú. Escuela de Postgrado
Grado o título: Magíster en Administración de Empresas
Fecha de registro: 1-sep-2016

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