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La, E., Paucar, F., Gutierrez, K., Fernández, R. (2021). Qhapaq consultora tecnológica para pymes [Universidad Tecnológica del Perú].
La, E., Paucar, F., Gutierrez, K., Fernández, R. Qhapaq consultora tecnológica para pymes []. PE: Universidad Tecnológica del Perú; 2021.
title = "Qhapaq consultora tecnológica para pymes",
author = "Fernández Oropeza, Raúl",
publisher = "Universidad Tecnológica del Perú",
year = "2021"
Título: Qhapaq consultora tecnológica para pymes
Autor(es): La Torre Villanueva, Erick Francisco; Paucar Vigo, Fiorella Milagros; Gutierrez Yovera, Karina Paola; Fernández Oropeza, Raúl
Asesor(es): Campos Llerena, José Paul
Palabras clave: Automatización de procesos; Pequeña y mediana empresa (PyME); Sistemas de planificación de recursos empresariales (ERP); Plan de negocio
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Institución: Universidad Tecnológica del Perú
Resumen: En el Perú, únicamente el 5.7% de emprendimientos establecidos utilizan tecnología actual dentro de sus procesos (GEM GlobalReport2018-2019), esto sumado a las consecuencias que trajo consigo la confinación causada por la pandemia del COVID-19ocasionó que más de 500 mil mipymes cierren operaciones según estimación de la asociación Pyme Perú.
El plan de negocios propone la implementación de una consultora tecnológica dirigida a pequeñas y medianas empresas (pymes) en la ciudad de Lima –Perú. El servicio a ofrecer brindará soluciones tecnológicas a la vanguardia para las pymes, permitiendo que estas puedan centralizar la información de sus procesos claves en una única herramienta en la nube de internet, potente, ágil y personalizada, mejorando los niveles de respuesta brindados. Además, logrará la integración con el ecosistema pyme de su interés, logrando optimizar recursos y mejorar la productividad y competitividad.
La idea de negocio de Qhapaq se sustenta, que en Perú existe una tendencia de las pymes a la digitalización en aras de sobrevivir en el mercado globalizado y competitivo, se tiene un alto porcentaje de este tipo de empresas que no ha iniciado su proceso de transformación digital por el alto valor de las soluciones tecnológicas, porque no se ajustan a su verdadera necesidad en el mercado y en su mayoría, no cuentan con personal capacitado para este tipo de proyectos. Esta brecha tecnológica genera demanda del servicio de consultoría para la asesoría e implementación de las soluciones tecnológicas. La investigación de mercado, tanto a nivel cualitativo como cuantitativo, evidenció que existe una oportunidad de mercado concluyente por la demanda creciente que tendría Qhapaq, debido a la factibilidad e interés de implementar un sistema ERP en las pymes por los beneficios que obtendrían y la tendencia acelerada del mercado a la digitalización. Los principales beneficios que esperan las pymes son: mejorar la productividad, reducir costos y conectar sus procesos para contar con información segura y actualizada en cualquier momento; por otro lado, el mercado efectivo es de 3 mil 822 pymes dispuestas a invertir en herramientas tecnológicas como las que brinda Qhapaq. De estas se espera capturar 50 de ellas en el primer año, con su propuesta diferenciada de soluciones personalizadas e integradas con el ecosistema pyme peruano como: cámaras de comercio, Pyme verde, PRODUCE o cualquier otra de interés para las pymes, con la cual Qhapaq buscará posicionar la marca. Para ello, se elaboró un plan estratégico que cubre cuatro perspectivas: financiera, clientes, procesos internos, de aprendizaje y crecimiento. El plan de marketing desarrollado permitirá que Qhapaq se introduzca en el mercado, se posicione y fidelice a sus clientes. Su centro de operaciones estará ubicado en calle Clemente X 182, Magdalena del Mar (límite con San Isidro) y tendrá, además, presencia virtual a través de todos sus canales digitales. Las principales soluciones que brindará Qhapaqson tres: implementación de sistemas ERP para pymes en la nube, consultoría y assessment, así como programas de entrenamiento. Además, contará con un plan de operaciones que permitirá desarrollar actividades de consultoría; asegurando los recursos tecnológicos, personal, infraestructura y mobiliario, así como el soporte, mantenimiento y la medición de la calidad del servicio. Estos estarán alineados al plan de recursos humanos donde se establecerán los procesos necesarios para la gestión del talento, definición de perfiles por puesto y las competencias necesarias que serán claves para una adecuada implementación de las soluciones requeridas y de atención de los servicios ofrecidos. Finalmente, los indicadores financieros del presente plan de negocios demostraron que el modelo es rentable en los tres escenarios desarrollados (esperado, optimista y pesimista), obteniendo un VAN positivo, una TIR económica mayor al WACC y una TIR financiera mayor al
12CoK. El 77% de los ingresos provienen principalmente de la implementación de ERP y los pagos de las suscripciones (software como servicio) lo cual permitirá maximizar la rentabilidad a medida que se incrementa la cantidad de clientes sin afectar significativamente los costos fijos.
In Peru, only 5.7% of businessentreprenurship use current technology within their processes (GEM Global Report 2018-2019), this, added to the consequences by the confinement caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, it tourned out with more than 500 thousand MSMEs closed their operations according to the estimate of the Pyme Peru association.The present business plan proposed the implementation of a technology consulting company aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the city of Lima -Peru. The service tobe offered will provide cutting-edge technological solutions for SMEs; allowing them to centralize the information of their key processes in a single tool available from the internet cloud, powerful, agile and customized, improving the response levels provided. In addition, it will offer the integration with the SME ecosystem of SME interest, optimizing resources and improving productivity and competitiveness. The business idea of Qhapaq, is based on the fact that in Peru there is a trend for SMEs to digitize in order to survive in the globalized and competitive market, there is a high percentage of these types of companies that have not started their transformation process digital due to the high value of technological solutions, because the market solutions do not adjust to their real need, also for the most part, they do not have trained personnel for this type of project. The technological gap generates demand for the consulting service for the advice and implementation of technological solutions. Marketresearch, both qualitatively and quantitatively, showed that there is a conclusive market opportunity due to the growing demand that Qhapaq should have, due to the feasibility and interest of implementing an ERP system in SMEs due to the benefits they would obtain and the trend accelerated from the market to digitization. The main benefits that SMEs expect are: improve productivity, reduce costs and connect their processes to have secure and updated information at any time; On the other hand, the effectivemarket is 3,822 SMEs willing to invest in technological tools such as those offered by Qhapaq. Of these, it is expected to capture 50 of them in the first year, with its differentiated proposal of customized solutions integrated with the Peruvian SME ecosystem such as: chambers of commerce, green SMEs, PRODUCE or any other of interest to SMEs which Qhapaq will seek to Brand positioning. Therefore, it was developed a strategic plan at covered by four perspectives: financial, customers, internal processes, learning and growth. The marketing plan developed allowed Qhapaq to penetrate the market, position itself and gain loyalty among its customers. Its operations center will be located at Calle Clemente X 182, Magdalena del Mar (border with San Isidro district) as well as virtually (on all its digital channels). The main Qhapq solutions will provide are three: implementation of ERP cloud systems for SMEs, consulting and evaluation, and training programs. In addition, Qhapaq will have an operations plan that will allow it to develop consulting activities; ensuring the technological resources, personnel, infrastructure and furniture, as well as the support, maintenance and quality measurement of the service. These will be aligned with the HR plan where the necessary processes for talent management, definition of profiles by position and the necessary competencies that will be key for proper implementation of the required solutions and attention to the services offered.Finally, the financial indicators of this business plan showed the business model is profitable in the three scenarios (expected, optimistic and pessimistic), obtaining a positive NPV, an economic IRR greater than WACC and a financial IRR greater than CoK. 77% of revenues come mainly from the implementation of ERP and subscription payments (software as a service), which allows maximizing profitability as the number of clients increases without affecting fixed costs
In Peru, only 5.7% of businessentreprenurship use current technology within their processes (GEM Global Report 2018-2019), this, added to the consequences by the confinement caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, it tourned out with more than 500 thousand MSMEs closed their operations according to the estimate of the Pyme Peru association.The present business plan proposed the implementation of a technology consulting company aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the city of Lima -Peru. The service tobe offered will provide cutting-edge technological solutions for SMEs; allowing them to centralize the information of their key processes in a single tool available from the internet cloud, powerful, agile and customized, improving the response levels provided. In addition, it will offer the integration with the SME ecosystem of SME interest, optimizing resources and improving productivity and competitiveness. The business idea of Qhapaq, is based on the fact that in Peru there is a trend for SMEs to digitize in order to survive in the globalized and competitive market, there is a high percentage of these types of companies that have not started their transformation process digital due to the high value of technological solutions, because the market solutions do not adjust to their real need, also for the most part, they do not have trained personnel for this type of project. The technological gap generates demand for the consulting service for the advice and implementation of technological solutions. Marketresearch, both qualitatively and quantitatively, showed that there is a conclusive market opportunity due to the growing demand that Qhapaq should have, due to the feasibility and interest of implementing an ERP system in SMEs due to the benefits they would obtain and the trend accelerated from the market to digitization. The main benefits that SMEs expect are: improve productivity, reduce costs and connect their processes to have secure and updated information at any time; On the other hand, the effectivemarket is 3,822 SMEs willing to invest in technological tools such as those offered by Qhapaq. Of these, it is expected to capture 50 of them in the first year, with its differentiated proposal of customized solutions integrated with the Peruvian SME ecosystem such as: chambers of commerce, green SMEs, PRODUCE or any other of interest to SMEs which Qhapaq will seek to Brand positioning. Therefore, it was developed a strategic plan at covered by four perspectives: financial, customers, internal processes, learning and growth. The marketing plan developed allowed Qhapaq to penetrate the market, position itself and gain loyalty among its customers. Its operations center will be located at Calle Clemente X 182, Magdalena del Mar (border with San Isidro district) as well as virtually (on all its digital channels). The main Qhapq solutions will provide are three: implementation of ERP cloud systems for SMEs, consulting and evaluation, and training programs. In addition, Qhapaq will have an operations plan that will allow it to develop consulting activities; ensuring the technological resources, personnel, infrastructure and furniture, as well as the support, maintenance and quality measurement of the service. These will be aligned with the HR plan where the necessary processes for talent management, definition of profiles by position and the necessary competencies that will be key for proper implementation of the required solutions and attention to the services offered.Finally, the financial indicators of this business plan showed the business model is profitable in the three scenarios (expected, optimistic and pessimistic), obtaining a positive NPV, an economic IRR greater than WACC and a financial IRR greater than CoK. 77% of revenues come mainly from the implementation of ERP and subscription payments (software as a service), which allows maximizing profitability as the number of clients increases without affecting fixed costs
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Maestría en Administración de Empresas
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Tecnológica del Perú. Escuela de Postgrado
Grado o título: Maestro en Administración de Empresas
Fecha de registro: 10-dic-2021
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