Citas bibligráficas
Alzamora, M., Arevalo, A., Bacigalupo, R. (2018). La coevaluación de los grupos de trabajo fuera del aula utilizando entornos virtuales y su relación con el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes del curso de Producción y Realización Audiovisual de la carrera de Comunicación de una universidad particular, Lima 2017 [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Tecnológica del Perú].
Alzamora, M., Arevalo, A., Bacigalupo, R. La coevaluación de los grupos de trabajo fuera del aula utilizando entornos virtuales y su relación con el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes del curso de Producción y Realización Audiovisual de la carrera de Comunicación de una universidad particular, Lima 2017 [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Tecnológica del Perú; 2018.
title = "La coevaluación de los grupos de trabajo fuera del aula utilizando entornos virtuales y su relación con el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes del curso de Producción y Realización Audiovisual de la carrera de Comunicación de una universidad particular, Lima 2017",
author = "Bacigalupo Lago, Raul Santiago",
publisher = "Universidad Tecnológica del Perú",
year = "2018"
One of the activities of the higher education teacher is to evaluate in a correct and fair way the competences evidenced by each one of the students. For this reason, the individual evaluation of the work done in groups outside the classroom is one of the tasks that requires special attention by the teacher. This research work focuses on involving the student in becoming aware of their own performance and the participation of other members when they perform group tasks outside the classroom. In order to elaborate the investigation, it was decided to work with the Audiovisual Production and Realization course of the Communications career, where the final project of the course is the realization of an audiovisual documentary of approximately 15 minutes and implies that the students organize themselves from the first day of classes in work groups. The teacher focuses on measuring the performance of students, in each of the phases of the project, which can be grouped into two major stages. In the first stage, the conception of the subject is considered, the research work, planning, organization of the production and in a second stage of the project, the execution of everything proposed in the first one, besides the edition and delivery of the final project. At the end of the first and second stage, the coevaluation was used as a strategy to involve the student in evaluating the performance of their classmates and theirs in the group work outside the classroom. For this purpose, an instrument for data collection was applied on both occasions, through an online survey with the Google Forms virtual tool. After carrying out the survey of the students, the results of the progress of the final works were processed. Subsequently, the yields were compared with the initial measurement and results of the present investigation were obtained. The results show that the correlation between coevaluation in virtual environments and academic performance is very low. Also, academic performance improves by involving the student in the process of evaluating work outside the classroom, taking as a complement the evaluation of the results of the survey in presence dynamics with the participation of the teacher in the classroom, when he elaborates the final project of the course of production and Audiovisual realization of the career of common.
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