Citas bibligráficas
Maldonado, A., (2021). Control interno de cuentas por pagar de la empresa Lomersa Empresarial SRL, Breña 2020 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Maldonado, A., Control interno de cuentas por pagar de la empresa Lomersa Empresarial SRL, Breña 2020 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2021.
title = "Control interno de cuentas por pagar de la empresa Lomersa Empresarial SRL, Breña 2020",
author = "Maldonado Huaman, Alexandra Paola",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2021"
The present investigation called "Internal control of accounts payable of the company Lomersa Empresarial SRL, Breña 2020" aimed to describe the internal control of accounts payable that were the object of this study. The population was made up of 23 management executives and the Accounts Payable area that they prepare in the aforementioned company. The type of research carried out determined the sample using the census formula, which is made up of 23 management executives and the Accounts Payable area, to whom the survey questionnaire and list of items were applied as a research instrument. comparison, obtaining as a result in the Cronbach's Alpha based on standardized elements 0.906, the management executives and the accounts payable area affirmed to have a Control Environment, Risk Assessment Process, Information Systems, Control and Monitoring Activities (or monitoring) of controls; which allowed to conclude that it is important for employees to have adequate knowledge of internal control. Likewise, internal control plays an important role on procedures, authorizations, controls related to fraud and procedures established in the company.
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