Bibliographic citations
Tello, A., Terrones, K. (2024). Efectos de un programa de escuela de espalda sobre la incapacidad por dolor lumbar en enfermeros de un centro de atención residencial Ancón 2021 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Tello, A., Terrones, K. Efectos de un programa de escuela de espalda sobre la incapacidad por dolor lumbar en enfermeros de un centro de atención residencial Ancón 2021 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2024.
title = "Efectos de un programa de escuela de espalda sobre la incapacidad por dolor lumbar en enfermeros de un centro de atención residencial Ancón 2021",
author = "Terrones Montoro, Kelly Delibeth",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2024"
Objective: This study aimed to determine the effects of a “back school” program on disability due to low back pain in nurses at a Residential Care Center, Ancón 2021. Method: a study with a quantitative approach, quasi-experimental design, applied type, explanatory level and hypothetical-deductive method was developed. With a sample of 31 nurses, a pre-test and post-test evaluation was carried out using the Oswestry scale. Results: It was determined that the “back school” program has significant effects on disability due to low back pain in nurses. With a significance level of p = 0.001. Evidence that it was effective in the initial and final evaluation, “Severe disability” initial evaluation 32.2% and in the final evaluation 0%; “Moderate disability” initial evaluation 25.8% and in the final evaluation 9.7% and “Minimal disability” initial evaluation 41.9% and in the final evaluation 90.3%. Conclusion: It was demonstrated that the “back school” program was effective and improved disability due to low back pain. These results prove that physiotherapy is a treatment alternative with very good results in managing pain and improving functional disability.
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