Citas bibligráficas
Becerra, E., (2018). Optimizar el tiempo de los procesos para la emisión de información ante emergencias y desastres utilizando la metodología Kaizen en el Centro de Operaciones de Emergencia Nacional (COEN) [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Becerra, E., Optimizar el tiempo de los procesos para la emisión de información ante emergencias y desastres utilizando la metodología Kaizen en el Centro de Operaciones de Emergencia Nacional (COEN) [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2018.
title = "Optimizar el tiempo de los procesos para la emisión de información ante emergencias y desastres utilizando la metodología Kaizen en el Centro de Operaciones de Emergencia Nacional (COEN)",
author = "Becerra Durand, Erika Milagros",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2018"
ABSTRACT The main objective of this thesis is to determine how the proposal for continuous improvement optimizes the processes of execution and development of emergency information on natural disasters at a national level and be issued in a timely manner for the decision making of our authorities. The first chapter describes the problematic reality presented by the company, from which the objectives of the research are formulated. Likewise, it is justified on the need to implement continuous improvement in the optimization of time for the issuance of information, under the regulation of the law N ° 29664 - Law of creation of the National System and Management of Disaster Risk - Sinagerd, approved by DS 048-2011-PCM and what procedures to perform. In the second chapter, the background related to the research work that will support their development is collected. Then, the theoretical framework necessary for the development of the objectives will be exposed. In the third chapter, all the information of the company is displayed: its organization, description and the service it provides. In addition, the formulated objectives are developed, applying management tools and statistical control. The activities developed focus on the evaluation of the current situation of the company, the evaluation of the indicators, the proposal for the implementation of a Japanese methodology and the general cost-benefit analysis of this implementation at a national level. Finally, in the fourth chapter, the results are presented where the behavior of the indicators before and after the implementation plan of the Management System for continuous improvement with the Kaizen methodology and the 5S tool is evident. Based on these results, KEYWORDS: Internal management proposal, time optimization, minimum investment and response capacity.
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