Citas bibligráficas
Del, T., (2019). Conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas frente al uso de la anticoncepción oral de emergencia en estudiantes de la carrera profesional de Técnico en Enfermería del Instituto de Educación Superior Tecnológico Privado Santa Rosa – Ventanilla, setiembre 2019 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Del, T., Conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas frente al uso de la anticoncepción oral de emergencia en estudiantes de la carrera profesional de Técnico en Enfermería del Instituto de Educación Superior Tecnológico Privado Santa Rosa – Ventanilla, setiembre 2019 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2019.
title = "Conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas frente al uso de la anticoncepción oral de emergencia en estudiantes de la carrera profesional de Técnico en Enfermería del Instituto de Educación Superior Tecnológico Privado Santa Rosa – Ventanilla, setiembre 2019",
author = "Del Rosario Veliz, Teresa Lucia",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2019"
The objective of this study is the relationship between knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding the use of emergency oral contraception in students of the nursing technical degree at the Santa Rosa - Ventanilla Institute of Technology, September 2019. The study had a quantitative approach, non-experimental design and correlational level, and had a population of 170 students, of which 118 were selected as a sample, in which a 29-item questionnaire was developed and validated by Yessenia Lauro. The results indicate that 35.6% of students were under 20 years old, 77.1% had single marital status, 44.9% came from Lima and 59.3% had not yet had gestation. In relation to emergency oral contraception, 60.2% of students have a medium level of knowledge, 80.5% have inappropriate practices and 64.4% have an indifferent attitude. When establishing the associations with the Chi-square test, a significant association between knowledge and attitudes was found (p = 0.007); between knowledge and practices (p = 0.024); and between attitudes and practices (p = 0.000). It is concluded that there is a significant relationship between knowledge, practices and attitudes regarding emergency oral contraception in students of the nursing technical degree at the Santa Rosa - Ventanilla Institute of Technology.
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