Citas bibligráficas
Toribio, M., (2018). Evaluación e inversión para la comercialización de paneles solares fotovoltaicos en la provincia de Barranca 2018 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Toribio, M., Evaluación e inversión para la comercialización de paneles solares fotovoltaicos en la provincia de Barranca 2018 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2018.
title = "Evaluación e inversión para la comercialización de paneles solares fotovoltaicos en la provincia de Barranca 2018",
author = "Toribio Tadeo, Mike",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2018"
The present work proposes to establish if it is viable to invest in the creation of a company for the commercialization of solar panels in the province of Gully, department of Lima. The global warming and the reduction of Co2 have stimulated to undertake related business to the generation of electric power across not traditional methods. The transition of fossil energies to renewable energies they are increasingly competitive; in 10 years there is predicted that all the new cars will be electrical and example of it of it they are the companies as Tesla Motors that already possesses a network of super electrical loaders installed in the world. Peru depends on the water resources in the production of electric power, for what one has seen in the need to materialize projects to high costs and with long-term results, in order to eliminate definitively the rationings electricities, with what there is demonstrated the need to look for less costly alternative energies, with short-term and amicable benefits with the environment and the community. Additional, the increase of criminal acts in opposition to the private property and I pay for energy consumption it has caused that parallel increases the number of residential sets, which possess electronic devices of safety to the revenue of the urbanization and inside the housing, for what one proposes the creation of the company M*L SOLAR, that will commercialize a kit of solar panels to produce electricity by means of solar radiation, reducing somehow the risk of assaults in moments that he does not arrange of traditional electric power. Finally the countable and financial analysis demonstrates the viability of the project, since the indicators verify that the plan of business turns out to be profitable and recoverable for the investor.
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