Citas bibligráficas
Lozada, M., Navarro, N. (2024). Cumplimiento de las prácticas del lavado de manos clínico en el personal de enfermería de un establecimiento privado, Puente Piedra - 2023 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Lozada, M., Navarro, N. Cumplimiento de las prácticas del lavado de manos clínico en el personal de enfermería de un establecimiento privado, Puente Piedra - 2023 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2024.
title = "Cumplimiento de las prácticas del lavado de manos clínico en el personal de enfermería de un establecimiento privado, Puente Piedra - 2023",
author = "Navarro Chacon, Noemi Lucia",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2024"
The objective of this study is to determine compliance with clinical hand washing practices among the nursing staff of a private facility, Puente Piedra, 2023. Methodology: A quantitative, basic, descriptive, non-experimental cross-sectional design approach was used. The sample consisted of 43 nursing professionals from a private facility and a checklist consisting of 17 items with a Cronbach's alpha of 0.856 was used as an instrument, showing that the instrument is highly reliable. Results: It was found that 63% of the nursing personnel do not comply with the practice of clinical hand washing and 37% do comply; on the other hand, in the dimension of equipment, 93% of the services do comply with the equipment of supplies, however, 7% do not comply; in the technical dimension of clinical hand washing, 51% do not comply and 49% do comply. Conclusion: It was identified that the nursing staff of the private facility does not comply with the practice of clinical hand washing, which shows that the management of training and follow-up should be improved in order to improve health care.
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