Citas bibligráficas
Cerna, V., (2021). Estimación de la pérdida esperada basada en un modelo interno que permita medir el nivel riesgo de la cartera de créditos para una entidad de microfinanzas febrero 2020 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Cerna, V., Estimación de la pérdida esperada basada en un modelo interno que permita medir el nivel riesgo de la cartera de créditos para una entidad de microfinanzas febrero 2020 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2021.
title = "Estimación de la pérdida esperada basada en un modelo interno que permita medir el nivel riesgo de la cartera de créditos para una entidad de microfinanzas febrero 2020",
author = "Cerna Chamorro, Veronica del Carmen",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2021"
This study seeks to develop a methodology based on an internal model based on the Basel II framework agreements, which allows to measure the level of risk of the credit portfolio for an appropriate microfinance entity to estimate the expected loss. Estimating expected loss through an internal model would enable better credit risk analysis, measurement and management, resulting in the estimation of an adequate level of regulatory capital, generating a competitive advantage for microfinance institutions. The research work consists of 05 chapters. Chapter I develops the identification and approach of the thesis problem, the background of the research and the general and specific objective. The problem raised in the thesis is that the calculation of the expected loss and therefore of the provisions that have been made through the standard method (established in SBS Resolution No. 11356-2008 and its amendments) does not adequately measure the risk level of the loan Portfolio for a microfinance institution at the end of February 2020. Chapter II reviews the theoretical framework, develops the fundamentals of credit risk, Basel's regulatory framework to calculated: credit risk capital, operational and market, as well as methodologies for estimating the probability of non-compliance and expected and unexpected loss. Chapter III, details the hypothesis of the investigation; it is established that the resulting provisions (PE) Annex No. 5 (SBS Resolution No. 11356-2008) do not adequately measure the Risk of the loan portfolio for a microfinance entity at the end of February 2020. "Do not measure properly" is defined as [Expected loss calculated by Annex No. 05 – SBS] > [Expected Loss Calculation by Internal Model]. Chapter IV, it presents the methodology used for the development of research. To determine the expected loss, the microfinance entity is required to estimate the probability of non-compliance (PD), exposure given non-compliance (EAD), and loss given non-compliance (LGD). Transition matrices were used to estimate the probability of non-compliance, with the other parameters being constant in this investigation. Finally, Chapter V details the results and discussion achieved by the research. Measure the expected loss for a microfinance entity using transition matrices by estimating the risk level of the credit portfolio. Comparing the result with the regulatory model of the Superintendency of Banking, Insurance and AFP, confirming the hypothesis of the study.
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