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Baca, C., (2020). Motivación laboral y calidad del servicio en un restaurante de Santa Clara - Ate Vitarte 2018 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Baca, C., Motivación laboral y calidad del servicio en un restaurante de Santa Clara - Ate Vitarte 2018 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2020.
title = "Motivación laboral y calidad del servicio en un restaurante de Santa Clara - Ate Vitarte 2018",
author = "Baca Ardiles, Cinthia Anais",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2020"
Title: Motivación laboral y calidad del servicio en un restaurante de Santa Clara - Ate Vitarte 2018
Authors(s): Baca Ardiles, Cinthia Anais
Advisor(s): Ganoza Aleman, Juan Carlos
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2-Oct-2020
Institution: Universidad Privada del Norte
Abstract: Este trabajo investigativo, presentó como objetivo el determinar la relación que existe entre la motivación laboral y la calidad del servicio en un restaurante de Santa Clara – Ate Vitarte, 2018.
Fue de enfoque cuantitativo, de tipo básica, nivel descriptivo-correlacional, con un diseño no experimental, de corte transversal. Con respecto a la población, esta estuvo conformada por 52 trabajadores (entre meseros y azafatas) y 63 clientes que asisten diariamente, en promedio, al restaurante. En el caso de los clientes, se utilizó una muestra probabilística que determinó en 63 el número de clientes a encuestar, para ambos casos, se usó la encuesta como técnica y como instrumentos, se elaboraron dos cuestionarios; el primero respecto a la motivación laboral con 32 preguntas y el segundo en referencia a la calidad del servicio con 16 preguntas. Ambos instrumentos fueron validados a través del juicio de expertos, para lo cual se contó con la participación de 3 doctores en Administración, especialistas en gestión del talento humano y docentes de las principales universidades del país. El proceso de confiabilidad fue mediante la aplicación de una prueba piloto, obteniendo un resultado favorable en cuanto a su aplicabilidad. La confiabilidad, se hizo mediante el coeficiente de Alfa de Cronbach, cuyos valores fueron de 0.823 y 0.818 respectivamente.
Los resultados obtenidos fueron analizados estadísticamente a través de los programas EXCEL e IBM SPSS-Statistics versión 23.
Los resultados demuestran que existe relación directa en el nivel correlación alta entre la motivación laboral y la calidad del servicio en un restaurante de Santa Clara – Ate Vitarte, 2018.
This investigative work presented the objective of determining the relationship between work motivation and the quality of service in a restaurant in Santa Clara - Ate Vitarte, 2018. It was a quantitative approach, applied type, descriptive-correlational level, with a non-experimental, cross-sectional design. Regarding the population, it was made up of 52 workers (between waiters and hostesses) and 63 customers who attend the restaurant on average daily. In the case of clients, a probabilistic sample was used that determined the number of clients to be surveyed in 63, for both cases, the survey was used as a technique and as instruments, two questionnaires were elaborated, the first regarding work motivation with 32 questions, and the second in reference to the quality of the service with 16 questions. Both instruments were validated through the judgment of experts, for which there was the participation of 3 doctors in Administration, specialists in Human Talent Management and teachers, in the main universities of the country. The reliability process was through the application of a pilot test, obtaining a favorable result in terms of its applicability and reliability, through Cronbach's Alpha coefficient, whose values were 0.823 and 0.818 respectively. The results obtained were statistically analyzed using the EXCEL and IBM SPSS-Statistics version 23 programs. The results show that there is a direct relationship in the high correlation level between work motivation and quality of service in a restaurant in Santa Clara - Ate Vitarte, 2018.
This investigative work presented the objective of determining the relationship between work motivation and the quality of service in a restaurant in Santa Clara - Ate Vitarte, 2018. It was a quantitative approach, applied type, descriptive-correlational level, with a non-experimental, cross-sectional design. Regarding the population, it was made up of 52 workers (between waiters and hostesses) and 63 customers who attend the restaurant on average daily. In the case of clients, a probabilistic sample was used that determined the number of clients to be surveyed in 63, for both cases, the survey was used as a technique and as instruments, two questionnaires were elaborated, the first regarding work motivation with 32 questions, and the second in reference to the quality of the service with 16 questions. Both instruments were validated through the judgment of experts, for which there was the participation of 3 doctors in Administration, specialists in Human Talent Management and teachers, in the main universities of the country. The reliability process was through the application of a pilot test, obtaining a favorable result in terms of its applicability and reliability, through Cronbach's Alpha coefficient, whose values were 0.823 and 0.818 respectively. The results obtained were statistically analyzed using the EXCEL and IBM SPSS-Statistics version 23 programs. The results show that there is a direct relationship in the high correlation level between work motivation and quality of service in a restaurant in Santa Clara - Ate Vitarte, 2018.
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Discipline: Maestría en Dirección y Gestión del Talento Humano
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Privada del Norte. Escuela de Posgrado y Estudios Continuos
Grade or title: Maestro en Dirección y Gestión del Talento Humano
Juror: Cruzado Pérez, William Moisés; Lomparte Alvarado, Romulo Fernando; Garcia Saavedra, Jose Luis
Register date: 25-Nov-2020
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