Citas bibligráficas
Remaycuna, E., (2017). Comercialización de joyas de plata de Catacaos - Piura en el Mall Aventura Plaza del distrito de Bellavista - Callao [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Remaycuna, E., Comercialización de joyas de plata de Catacaos - Piura en el Mall Aventura Plaza del distrito de Bellavista - Callao [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2017.
title = "Comercialización de joyas de plata de Catacaos - Piura en el Mall Aventura Plaza del distrito de Bellavista - Callao",
author = "Remaycuna Rivera, Elia",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2017"
This project was born from experience in the sector of jewelry sales for 4 years, which has decided to implement this business plan, focused on the marketing of jewelry from the department of Piura city of Catacaos. The market segment we are targeting is women aged 25-59 years from socio-economic level A, B and C of the constitutional province of Callao, districts of Callao center, La Punta, Bellavista and La Perla. The value proposition of our products will be focused on custom silver designs of 920 and 925 carats in various models. The potential market has been determined in 104,492 women from the areas indicated above, having established a target market of 6.5% corresponding to 6,792 women for the sale of our products the first year. Our sales will be made by a store located in the Mall Aventura Bellavista Mall and through social networks, starting with a web page. The strategies will be aimed at attracting customers, for which we will be doing Focus group to know their expectations and thus be able to offer better products and designs. The pricing strategy will be aimed to attracting customers with promotions and discounts. The product will have as a slogan: "Shine Elegance". The distribution will be direct to our client. The investment of the project will amount to 247,720 soles, which will generate a yield, according to the VANE of 1, 387,400 soles; A VANF of 1, 406,043 soles, if the project considers financing, with a TIRE of 58.44% and TIRF of 65.00% respectively.
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