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Ramos, J., (2016). Desarrollo de negocios para pequeñas empresas en el sector automotor - motocicletas Italika [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Ramos, J., Desarrollo de negocios para pequeñas empresas en el sector automotor - motocicletas Italika [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2016.
title = "Desarrollo de negocios para pequeñas empresas en el sector automotor - motocicletas Italika",
author = "Ramos Viera, Joel Aquilino",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2016"
Título: Desarrollo de negocios para pequeñas empresas en el sector automotor - motocicletas Italika
Autor(es): Ramos Viera, Joel Aquilino
Asesor(es): Ferrer Jauregui, William
Palabras clave: Creación de empresas; Pequeñas empresas; Vehículos automotores
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 11-dic-2016
Institución: Universidad Privada del Norte
Resumen: RESUMEN
Italika, es una empresa mexicana, dedicada a la producción y comercialización de motocicletas,
repuestos originales y servicio de Post venta, desde su fundación en el año 2004, Italika brinda
acceso a un transporte propio a sus clientes, permitiéndole ser más eficiente en sus actividades
diarias de una forma cómoda y confiable. Apenas unos años después de su lanzamiento, Italika se
posicionó como la marca número uno en motocicletas de México. Actualmente tiene el 70% del
mercado y opera actualmente en México, Guatemala, Honduras, Panamá, Brasil y Perú.
En el Perú actualmente está dentro de la estructura de Elektra del Perú, que a la vez pertenece al
Grupo Salinas. Motocicletas Italika entra al mercado peruano con un concepto abocado al servicio
y garantía, dando a los clientes la seguridad de comprar un producto bueno y al alcance de todos.
El presente estudio busca finalmente, dar a conocer la experiencia personal lograda en desarrollar
negocios para las pequeñas empresas, de cómo los emprendedores y socios comerciales de la
empresa se vuelve cada día más eficiente y logran desarrollar sus propios negocios con nuestra
asesoría. Se logra el crecimiento no solo de sus negocios, sino que también logramos que ellos
perduren en el tiempo.
El trabajo se centra en dar a conocer la forma en que los emprendedores y socios comerciales
logran desarrollar sus negocios, de ser en muchos casos informales o tener solo una actividad
económica de ingresos, llegan a confiar en nuestro proyecto, en nuestro producto y en la forma de
trabajo que se les comparte, ellos entendieron que Italika no solo es una empresa dedicada a la
venta de vehículos motorizados, sino también es un gran aliado para aquellas personas con mente
emprendedora que deciden tener su propio negocio o ampliar los que ya tienen.
ABSTRACT Italika, is a Mexican company, dedicated to the production and marketing of motorcycles, originals and Post Service spares sales, since its foundation in the year 2004, Italika provides access to an own transport to your customers, allowing you to be more efficient in their daily activities in a comfortable and reliable way. Just a few years after its launch, Italika was positioned as the brand number one in Mexico motorcycles. It currently has 70% of the market and currently operates in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Panama, Brazil and Peru. In the Peru is currently within the structure of Peru Elektra, both owned by Grupo Salinas. Italika motorcycles enter the Peruvian market with a concept concentrated in the service and warranty, giving customers the safety of purchasing a product well and within the reach of everyone. The present study seeks to finally, give to know the experience personal accomplished in develop business for them small companies, of how them entrepreneurs and partners commercial of the company is returns each day more efficient and manage to develop their own business with our advice. Is achieved the growth not only of their business, but also achieve that they endure in the time. The work is focuses in give to know it form in that them entrepreneurs and partners commercial manage to develop their business, of be in many cases informal or have only an activity economic of income, arrive to trust in our project, in our product and in the form of work that is les shares, they understood that Italika not only is a company dedicated to the sale of vehicles motorized , but also is a great ally for those people with mind entrepreneurial that decide to have your own business or expand which already have.
ABSTRACT Italika, is a Mexican company, dedicated to the production and marketing of motorcycles, originals and Post Service spares sales, since its foundation in the year 2004, Italika provides access to an own transport to your customers, allowing you to be more efficient in their daily activities in a comfortable and reliable way. Just a few years after its launch, Italika was positioned as the brand number one in Mexico motorcycles. It currently has 70% of the market and currently operates in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Panama, Brazil and Peru. In the Peru is currently within the structure of Peru Elektra, both owned by Grupo Salinas. Italika motorcycles enter the Peruvian market with a concept concentrated in the service and warranty, giving customers the safety of purchasing a product well and within the reach of everyone. The present study seeks to finally, give to know the experience personal accomplished in develop business for them small companies, of how them entrepreneurs and partners commercial of the company is returns each day more efficient and manage to develop their own business with our advice. Is achieved the growth not only of their business, but also achieve that they endure in the time. The work is focuses in give to know it form in that them entrepreneurs and partners commercial manage to develop their business, of be in many cases informal or have only an activity economic of income, arrive to trust in our project, in our product and in the form of work that is les shares, they understood that Italika not only is a company dedicated to the sale of vehicles motorized , but also is a great ally for those people with mind entrepreneurial that decide to have your own business or expand which already have.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Administración
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Privada del Norte. Facultad de Negocios
Grado o título: Licenciado en Administración
Jurado: Mora Ibarra, Paola; Piazze Garnica, Gustavo Javier; Edgar Ramirez, Orlando Alberto
Fecha de registro: 11-jul-2017
Este ítem está sujeto a una licencia Creative Commons Licencia Creative Commons