Citas bibligráficas
Honorio, A., Rojas, D. (2016). Aplicación de geomarketing para la ubicación de tachos municipales de residuos sólidos inorgánicos en el distrito de La Esperanza, 2016 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Honorio, A., Rojas, D. Aplicación de geomarketing para la ubicación de tachos municipales de residuos sólidos inorgánicos en el distrito de La Esperanza, 2016 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2016.
title = "Aplicación de geomarketing para la ubicación de tachos municipales de residuos sólidos inorgánicos en el distrito de La Esperanza, 2016",
author = "Rojas Alfaro, Darling Filomart",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2016"
This study received the title APLICACIÓN DE GEOMARKETING PARA LA UBICACIÓN DE TACHOS MUNICIPALES DE RESIDUOS SÓLIDOS INORGÁNICOS EN EL DISTRITO DE LA ESPERANZA 2016, and has the overall objective to identify through geomarketing the best location for municipal bins of inorganic solid waste the district of La Esperanza, province of Trujillo. As specific objectives we seek to compare if Geomarketing is more efficient than the method of application of traditional market research, choose the free software license Geomarketing, identify what would be the benefits for the Municipality Geomarketing and define patterns analysis. Following the process of research methodology opted for an exploratory-experimental study, using the Quantum GIS system to determine the results of geographical location, and comparative analysis tables to determine costs and benefits in time between the traditional method of analysis sectors and using geomarketing. Also, to confirm acceptance of this method by a municipal agency we conducted an in depth interview the manager of Environmental Development of the District Municipal de La Esperanza, as well as officials and employees of the mayor unit to define the level of benefit provided by the application this marketing action in public administration. From these results, we conclude that geomarketing contributes significantly to save time and reduce economic resources to a municipality, assisting in the location of municipal solid waste bins as part of the plan to improve environmental development of the commune indicated. Manuel Arevalo III stage, Jerusalem, St. Veronica and the Four as sectors where should be located inorganic municipal solid waste bins in the district of La Esperanza, 2016: Finally, the areas identified.
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