Citas bibligráficas
Peralta, C., (2020). Gestión de suministros y la optimización de la rentabilidad de una empresa láctea en la zona norte, Casagrande 2019 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Peralta, C., Gestión de suministros y la optimización de la rentabilidad de una empresa láctea en la zona norte, Casagrande 2019 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2020.
title = "Gestión de suministros y la optimización de la rentabilidad de una empresa láctea en la zona norte, Casagrande 2019",
author = "Peralta Mercado, Cesar Irineo",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2020"
In the present study, the current problem that the company is going through in relation to its supply management and optimization of profitability has been taken, for which it was determined as a problem How does supply management influence the profitability of a company? Dairy company in the Northern Zone, Casagrande 2019? The hypothesis holds that supply management positively influences the profitability of a dairy company in the Northern Zone, 2019. In the methodology, a quantitative, non-experimental - transversal, descriptive - causal research approach was applied, the method used was Inductive - Deductive, Analysis - Synthesis. The instrument used was a survey, taking a sample of 87 dairy farmers suppliers of the Dairy Company located in the Northern Zone, 2019 and the financial statements were analyzed. The results obtained from the applied surveys indicate that the consumption of balanced food by areas is as follows: Trujillo 32.14%, Chiclayo 21.43%, Paiján 21.43% and Virú 21.43%, on the other hand, there were rejections of milk collection that generated losses for the amount of S / 1,670,950.00 soles. It concludes by noting that the total investment for the proposed implementation of the balanced food processing plant amounts to S / 940,541.58 soles (without IGV), and the economic and financial evaluation of the project obtained a VANE of S / 1,449,668.55 soles and an EIRR of 49.72% in real terms. Likewise, by contrasting the hypothesis raised, supply management positively influences the profitability of the company, according to the result obtained of 0.773 in the Spearman correlation coefficient that indicates that there is a significant correlation at the 0.01 level (bilateral) between the study variables.
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