Citas bibligráficas
Fernández, P., (2017). El Decreto Supremo N°009-2017-MINAGRI y los límites temporales para acceder a la propiedad agraria a través de procedimientos especiales de titulación [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Fernández, P., El Decreto Supremo N°009-2017-MINAGRI y los límites temporales para acceder a la propiedad agraria a través de procedimientos especiales de titulación [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2017.
title = "El Decreto Supremo N°009-2017-MINAGRI y los límites temporales para acceder a la propiedad agraria a través de procedimientos especiales de titulación",
author = "Fernández Ruiz, Paulo César",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2017"
ABSTRACT The present investigation has been carried out with the objective of determining how Articles 11° and 39° of Supreme Decree No. 009-2017-MINAGRI, which establish temporary limits to access the special procedures of titling, transgress the access to the right of agrarian property. It must be taken into account that the right of ownership is one of the most relevant rights in a society, represents economic development and well-being. The Political Constitution of Peru recognizes property as a fundamental right and falls on a large variety of goods, whether urban or rural, movable or immovable, even material or immaterial, so it has different nuances. It is there where the agricultural property comes to be carved, being this very special, it represents the material legal power of enjoyment and enjoyment on the part of the agrarian producer who exerts on a productive, movable or immovable property destined to the agrarian, taking advantage of the forces of the renewable nature, for obtaining fruits and agro-environmental products destined for human consumption, with legal, social, economic and environmental importance. With a fundamental right of such transcendence, recognized by the Constitution and by the American Convention on Human Rights, the hypothesis has been raised stating that the temporary limits established in Supreme Decree No. 009-2017-MINAGRI, violate access to the right of agricultural property that the holder, by his peaceful possession, direct, continuous, public and exercised as owner, by the time of possession and by the agrarian exploitation that develops, is guaranteed constitutionally. Later confirming this hypothesis and concluding that the imposition of temporary limits, in an arbitrary manner, without proportion or justification, contravenes the provisions of the American Convention on Human Rights and of the Political Constitution of Peru regarding property rights. Likewise, they negatively affect the execution of the titling and formalization processes by the Regional Formalization Entity; and contravene the National Agrarian Policy to promote and create better conditions for the implementation of legal physical sanitation, formalization and titling of agricultural property.
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