Citas bibligráficas
Huarache, K., Ñahuero, A. (2023). Estrategias de comunicación interna y satisfacción laboral en los colaboradores de la empresa Firstflag E. I. R. L 2023 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Huarache, K., Ñahuero, A. Estrategias de comunicación interna y satisfacción laboral en los colaboradores de la empresa Firstflag E. I. R. L 2023 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2023.
title = "Estrategias de comunicación interna y satisfacción laboral en los colaboradores de la empresa Firstflag E. I. R. L 2023",
author = "Ñahuero Huaman, Angela Anayeli",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2023"
The main objective of this research is to determine how internal communication is related to job satisfaction in the employees of the company FirstFlag E.I.R.L Lima, Peru in the year 2023. Likewise, the research has a quantitative approach, non-experimental design. cross section – correlational and descriptive scope. On the other hand, the survey was chosen as a technique and two questionnaires were used as instruments. It should be noted that Cronbach's alpha was applied to check their reliability. These were applied virtually to all of the company's collaborators (40), these belong to the different hierarchical levels and areas of the company. In addition, the entire population was used as a study sample. The results showed that internal communication is positively and significantly related to job satisfaction in the company FirstFlag E.I.R.L; since the relationship between both variables is direct, having 0.685 in the Spearman correlation. This concludes that while internal communication is better, there will be greater job satisfaction within the company, which is why the factors that intervene in job satisfaction are considered important so that communication strategies are used that take into account the channel and medium to use.
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