Citas bibligráficas
Palacios, M., (2020). La estrategia de marketing impulsada por el cliente y el posicionamiento en los estudiantes postulantes a la universidad Seminario Evangélico de Lima, en la ciudad de Lima, 2019 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Palacios, M., La estrategia de marketing impulsada por el cliente y el posicionamiento en los estudiantes postulantes a la universidad Seminario Evangélico de Lima, en la ciudad de Lima, 2019 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2020.
title = "La estrategia de marketing impulsada por el cliente y el posicionamiento en los estudiantes postulantes a la universidad Seminario Evangélico de Lima, en la ciudad de Lima, 2019",
author = "Palacios Garcia, Marco Antonio",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2020"
This thesis investigated the "customer-driven marketing strategy" and the positioning of the applicant students at the "Universidad Seminario Evangélico de Lima", during the 2019 admission process. The unit of analysis chosen was the applicant evangelical students, who they took the leveling course for entrance to university careers. We worked with the entire population, as there were a total of forty students. The thesis that has been developed has a quantitative approach, it is correlational, and the research design is non-experimental and cross-sectional. The survey was the instrument used to collect the data, in this way it was possible to measure the variables. Before using the survey in the field, a sample was used with this tool, and it was used to measure the validity of the content and its reliability. The Aiken's V used and Cronbach's alpha coefficient indicated that the tool had content validity and also a high degree of reliability. For the treatment of statistics, the median and standard deviation were used as descriptive statistical resources. The research variables and their respective dimensions were categorized using the Stanones scale. On the other hand, the Pearson correlation test was used to establish the measurement of the existing relationships and to test the hypothesis. After using the corresponding procedures, it was determined that there is enough empirical evidence to indicate, in a positive and significant way, the relationship between the marketing strategy promoted by the client and the positioning of the students applying to USEL; as well as between the dimensions of the “customer-driven marketing strategy” (target market, segmentation and differentiation), and the positioning of the applicant students.
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