Citas bibligráficas
Jimenez, S., Salva, K. (2021). La importación de mascarillas quirúrgicas provenientes de China y su distribución en el mercado nacional, en el contexto del COVID-19, Lima - Perú, 2020 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Jimenez, S., Salva, K. La importación de mascarillas quirúrgicas provenientes de China y su distribución en el mercado nacional, en el contexto del COVID-19, Lima - Perú, 2020 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2021.
title = "La importación de mascarillas quirúrgicas provenientes de China y su distribución en el mercado nacional, en el contexto del COVID-19, Lima - Perú, 2020",
author = "Salva Silva, Karilse Liliana",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2021"
The present research aims to determine how the import of surgical masks from China affects; its distribution in the national market, in the context of Covid-19, Lima- Peru, 2020. This study was developed under the guidelines of a qualitative approach, non-experimental design, descriptive scope, and cross-section where mainly the source of information was obtained from SUNAT, ADEX, MyPeruglobal, and El Peruano. For this, the in-depth interview based on the categories and subcategories of the study was used as a technique and an interview guide was used as an instrument, which was applied virtually and in writing; the population was made up of import and/or distribution specialists and the sample was applied to 07 specialists in the import and/or distribution category. It was possible to conclude that during the 2020 period of Covid-19, the importation of surgical masks from China had an impact on the distribution in the national market as this process made it possible to cover the shortage and the need that was manifested at the beginning of the pandemic since this event it was an unknown factor where the application of biosafety protocols was not common in our country. In addition, large-scale production in China made it possible to purchase the quantities necessary to meet that demand.
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