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Vidal, M., (2014). Propuesta de mejora en la gestión logística para reducir costos en la empresa Arqcons E.I.R.L. [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Vidal, M., Propuesta de mejora en la gestión logística para reducir costos en la empresa Arqcons E.I.R.L. [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2014.
title = "Propuesta de mejora en la gestión logística para reducir costos en la empresa Arqcons E.I.R.L.",
author = "Vidal Trigoso, Miguel Alejandro",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2014"
Título: Propuesta de mejora en la gestión logística para reducir costos en la empresa Arqcons E.I.R.L.
Autor(es): Vidal Trigoso, Miguel Alejandro
Asesor(es): González Wong, Abel
Palabras clave: Administración de operaciones; Costos; Logística
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 2-jun-2014
Institución: Universidad Privada del Norte
Resumen: RESUMEN
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo general elaborar una “Propuesta de
Mejora en el área logística en la empresa constructora ARQCONS EIRL, para reducir
costos”, con la finalidad de que se constituya en una herramienta de gestión del Área de
Logística, y así permita orientar el buen uso de los recursos humanos, financieros y
materiales para la consecución de los objetivos empresariales (reducción de costos y
satisfacción del cliente).
Al efectuar el diagnóstico a la empresa ARQCONS EIRL. se ha detectado como principal
causa de los altos costos logísticos al deficiente plan de compras, la cual se lograría superar
si se implementa la propuesta de mejora elaborada en el presente trabajo de investigación,
logrando la reducción de costos deseada, cumpliendo con los tiempos de entrega de obra, y
logrando un ámbito laboral más cómodo en el área logística de la empresa..
En ese sentido se propone que la Gestión logística contemple: la implementación de Plan de
Requerimiento de Materiales (MRP), la Metodología ABC, por el que se empieza la
clasificación de cada material; además la contratación de personal que mantenga los
registros de almacén. Esto permitirá salvaguardar eficientemente el inventario de la
empresa, promoviendo la eficiencia en la gestión del mismo y así obtener información
correcta y segura para una adecuada toma de decisiones.
Así mismo, se ha podido comprobar la factibilidad de la propuesta de mejora, al obtenerse
indicadores de rentabilidad económicamente aceptables, los cuales fueron hallados con el
ahorro que se obtendría en caso de aplicar esta propuesta.
Finalmente en caso de realizarse esta Propuesta de Mejora, todo el personal de ARQCONS
EIRL deberá estar debidamente enterado del contenido de ésta, con la finalidad de que
todos contribuyan a fortalecer la gestión del mismo, facilitando el logro de salvaguardar el
inventario de la empresa, promoviendo la eficiencia de las operaciones y la obtención de
información correcta y segura.
ABSTRACT The purpose of the following investigation is to elaborate a proposal that focuses on the reduction of expenses in the Logistics Department of a construction company called ARQCONS EIRL; thus, develop a management tool that allows better use of human resources, finances, and supplies, and therefore achieve some of the company’s goals such as expenditure reduction and customer satisfaction. After performing a diagnostic test on the company, it was found that the major reason for high logistics expenses was the deficient purchasing plan, which is expected to be fixed after the implementation of the proposal in this investigation that aims to reduce expenses, meet deadlines and improve the working environment in the Logistics Department of the company. Thereby, it is proposed that new logistics are implemented with the addition of two systems -Materials Requirement Planning (MRP), and Activity Based Costing (ABC). These systems aid in the hiring of personnel that can oversee the stock room’s inventory, and also assist with the classification of materials. This will efficiently safeguard the company’s inventory by promoting better ways to manage it and, consequently, will allow access to accurate information that will impact the decision making process of the company. Therefore, the feasibility of the proposal would be established by obtaining profitability indicators that are economically acceptable, which would be acquired from the savings obtained after applying the proposal. Lastly, if the proposal is tested, the employees of the company must be notified about the new procedures implemented in order to contribute and strengthen the outcomes of the study. This would safeguard the company’s inventory while promoting efficient operations and the gathering of accurate and safe information.
ABSTRACT The purpose of the following investigation is to elaborate a proposal that focuses on the reduction of expenses in the Logistics Department of a construction company called ARQCONS EIRL; thus, develop a management tool that allows better use of human resources, finances, and supplies, and therefore achieve some of the company’s goals such as expenditure reduction and customer satisfaction. After performing a diagnostic test on the company, it was found that the major reason for high logistics expenses was the deficient purchasing plan, which is expected to be fixed after the implementation of the proposal in this investigation that aims to reduce expenses, meet deadlines and improve the working environment in the Logistics Department of the company. Thereby, it is proposed that new logistics are implemented with the addition of two systems -Materials Requirement Planning (MRP), and Activity Based Costing (ABC). These systems aid in the hiring of personnel that can oversee the stock room’s inventory, and also assist with the classification of materials. This will efficiently safeguard the company’s inventory by promoting better ways to manage it and, consequently, will allow access to accurate information that will impact the decision making process of the company. Therefore, the feasibility of the proposal would be established by obtaining profitability indicators that are economically acceptable, which would be acquired from the savings obtained after applying the proposal. Lastly, if the proposal is tested, the employees of the company must be notified about the new procedures implemented in order to contribute and strengthen the outcomes of the study. This would safeguard the company’s inventory while promoting efficient operations and the gathering of accurate and safe information.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Ingeniería Industrial
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Privada del Norte. Facultad de Ingeniería
Grado o título: Ingeniero Industrial
Jurado: Terry Noriega, Luis; Baca López, Marcos; Flores Sánchez, Carla
Fecha de registro: 3-jun-2017
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