Citas bibligráficas
Acuña, J., (2022). Propuestas de maniobras con maquinaria pesada para optimizar el movimiento de tierras en Carachugo 2022 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Acuña, J., Propuestas de maniobras con maquinaria pesada para optimizar el movimiento de tierras en Carachugo 2022 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2022.
title = "Propuestas de maniobras con maquinaria pesada para optimizar el movimiento de tierras en Carachugo 2022",
author = "Acuña Paisig, Jesus Orlando",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2022"
This thesis project was developed at Minera Yanacocha in the area called CARACHUGO 14 in Cajamarca, Peru, with the general objective of evaluating the performance of heavy machinery for the construction project of PAD CARACHUGO 14. Also compare these heavy equipment performances with the theoretical performances. In order to carry out this project, information was collected between the months of July and September 2021, through direct observation, measurement and recording in daily report and equipment control formats. The functionality of the heavy machinery that is detailed in this project is focused according to the type of material involved, naming the limitations and characteristics that affect the choice of it, depending on the properties of the soil in which it is worked. As one of the specific objectives of the research is to optimize real performance in earthworks, using heavy machinery, for loading activities with CAT 336DL EXCAVATOR with 2.5 m3 capacity, CAT D6T XL TRACTOR with a push capacity it is 1200 m3/h, and 15 m3 VOLVO TIPPER. The real yields obtained will be compared with the yields given by the manufacturer, identifying adverse factors typical of a mining project such as: weather, mechanical failures and operator. From this comparison it has been possible to determine that the real yields are lower than those indicated by the manufacturer; thus we have that the theoretical performance for the CAT 336DL excavator is 450.00 m3 / hour, and its real performance with effective hours is 298.48 m3 / hour, for the CAT D6T XL tractor its theoretical performance is 552 m3 / h and its actual performance with effective hours it is 421.87 m3 / hour; finally for the tipper the theoretical performance at a distance of 2.60 km is 90.28 m3 / h and its real performance in average cycle / min is 13.47%.
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