Citas bibligráficas
De, R., Pure, S. (2021). Capacitación de certificación orgánica para impulsar la exportación de café: una revisión sistemática de la literatura científica en los últimos 10 años [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Privada del Norte].
De, R., Pure, S. Capacitación de certificación orgánica para impulsar la exportación de café: una revisión sistemática de la literatura científica en los últimos 10 años [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2021.
title = "Capacitación de certificación orgánica para impulsar la exportación de café: una revisión sistemática de la literatura científica en los últimos 10 años",
author = "Pure Martinez, Silvia",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2021"
The present investigation was carried out to solve a latent problem about coffee exports and to publicize the advantages of organic certification capabilities, the objective is to achieve the capacity to learn, learn and obtain certification to achieve that goal. added value to your product; since many of the regions know very little about obtaining such certification; The analysis was between the years of 2008 to 2018, sources from ProQuest, Ebsco and Google Scholar were consulted, which were of great help to obtain information and be able to publish the information of the last 10 years, the search was made in the Spanish language. Some limitations in the search were taken into account. So that this research can be exposed in order to help many of them to keep the advantages of being able to export their product, obtaining organic certification, thus guaranteeing a good quality product; This means that the price of coffee is high, achieving the profit we have as the power of having a better care in the sowing and harvesting of the product; so that associations and cooperatives do not lower costs.
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